( -0617 ) Takes Only the 'Right Few' Shining a Bright Light - Corrupt Colluders of Global Oligarchy Coming Into Fear

8 months ago

Takes Only the 'Right Few' Shining a Bright Light - Corrupt Colluders of Global Oligarchy Coming Into Fear

See 15:30

Some of us have been watching this movie for decades. The same movie where Jim Jones' followers supposedly all died from drinking Kool-Aid. At the moment that Congressman Ryan showed up to investigate checks used to pay for mind control drugs tied back to C.I.A. funds. His daughter filed a lawsuit fighting for justice, then mysteriously dropped it and joined the Cult Awareness network. Was there ever any mainstream reporting on this? No. It doesn't take someone else confirming your suspicions. it takes opening your eyes. And connecting dots that would be missed if you stayed asleep.

Knock and the door will be opened to you.

Awake! Watch! Sleep not!

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