Nov 17, 2016 ❤️ There are unnecessary Sufferings, but My Words are not taken seriously

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There are unnecessary Sufferings, but My Words are not taken seriously & My Christians have no Idea what they are dealing with

November 17, 2016 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

Jesus began… “Clare, there are seasons. Just as in the natural world there is fall and winter then spring and summer, so it is in the Supernatural world. As below, so above. That’s why I’ve told you, whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven. Your concerns are legitimate, and I am not dismissing them, but you would not be serving Me or the interests of My flock if you did not follow My seasons and My instructions.

“This is not a time of drawing souls into the wedding chamber, although, I never lose My longing and affection for My Bride. Never. It is a continuous pain in My heart that we are separated and I so long for the day we are united.

“But you are all in a war zone right now. Everyone of your followers are under attack, sometimes continuous – although I do give respite. And while it seems so dark and heavy, it is quite necessary to the survival of souls and to the fruit we will harvest together.”

“I loathe the demonic realm and talking about it sickens Me. But far too many of My Christians have no idea what they are dealing with. This is a season of preparation and strengthening and without it they will falter and feel abandoned by Me.

“You have done well to accept sufferings on My behalf and for the world, but there is another suffering that is not necessary – and that is suffering from your own sins. Open doors bring in a world of hurt. I am teaching you all how to keep the doors closed to the demonic realm.

“Not everyone is called to be a deliverance minister, but all of you are called to keep yourselves clean and unspotted from the world. Even as is written in the book of James.”

“If anyone among you thinks, he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue, but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is worthless. Clean and undefiled religion before God the Father is this… ‘To visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” (James 1:26-27)

“As you experienced today and yesterday, (here He’s speaking to me) an abundance of possessions means an abundance of washing, folding, storing, finding room for everything and all the hassles that go with repairing things. It was a teachable moment in which you could reconsider your involvement with the world, Clare. It was also one of those opportunities I talked about a few days ago, something to offer me for the progress of your country.

“I’m sorry this time seems so dark and dreary to you, but it is necessary if you want to grow spiritually. Even as I preached from the very beginning, if you follow the teachings in the Beatitudes, and My teachings about loving your brother and being separated from the world and its desire nature, you could much more easily live this life without a need for deliverance.

“But My words are not taken seriously, Clare. If you knew the importance of what I have taught you in the Scriptures, you would live it to the ‘T’, even though it is quite difficult. You could not afford to allow yourself the liberty of wandering or even looking over the safety of the sheepfold, or involving yourself in any negativity or bad attitudes.

“It is a mighty task to overcome your flesh and live a holy life. That’s the true enemy that you need to vanquish every day of your life. A mighty task that you are not prepared for from childhood. Much too much rancor is commonplace in the home environment. Children learn by example and parents pass on their resentments to their offspring.

“What I am saying, Beloved, is that I acknowledge this is not pleasant, nor necessarily uplifting, except when you take repentance as seriously as I am asking you to. There is holy peace and holy joy and very holy fruit.

“My dear ones, I long to see an end to your sufferings, but you have chosen Me over the world and now the worldly ways that entrap you to Satan must be deliberately worked out of your behavior. I don’t love you one iota less. If anything has changed, it is more and more compassion and love for you, because you care enough to change, and really work hard at changing.

“Many of you ask why the sad things happen to you and I am attempting to teach you why. Why the health problems, why the inconveniences, why emotional ups and downs. I want to see an end to these things more than you do, and that is why I am teaching you how your heart gets defiled, how sickness enters into your body, how plans you would like to make are blocked – the very substance of the opposition in your lives.

“I am teaching you this and I am teaching you how to free yourselves as well. I’m sorry this is not a pretty and flowery endeavor, but in the end it will yield perfectly beautiful fruit and a deeper relationship with Me, My Spirit and My Father. You will find greater and greater joy in My company as you choose to separate yourselves from worldly attitudes that are destroying you from the inside out.

“Once you learn these things, greatly blessed are you when you practice them and I will be able to advance you into ministries you have only dreamt of. Yes, you will be able to carry the weight and not fall, your hearts will be prepared and you will not be blind to your own interior and what you are carrying around.

“Many of you are on this channel because you want to grow in spiritual depth. If I fed you wedding gowns and fairy tale trips through Heaven, you would never address the things that must be clean before you can live in Heaven.

“Nevertheless, trips to Heaven will increase among you, to encourage you in this long and difficult journey. “I will console you, even now while you are having great difficulties, many of you see Me holding you and looking at you with so much compassion. That is My heart. What husband does not suffer when his spouse suffers? So yes, I suffer with you. And because of that I wish for you to know and understand how these doors of suffering get opened and how to keep them from opening.

“Your enemy has come to kill, steal and destroy. To defile and to soil our sweet relationship, so you must learn how he operates to protect yourself and your loved ones. Ignorance is not bliss, it is disaster. So please, be patient with Me as I reveal how the demonic realm is arrayed against you and when you fall, how to raise yourself back up immediately before the fall turns into a stronghold.

“I am your loving and faithful Savior, I adore each and everyone of you and if this were not vital to our happiness, I would never bring it to you for your consideration.

“Please, be patient and honor Me in this. Learn everyday to come to Me and allow My Spirit to show you any bit of corruption in your hearts. You will be so much healthier and happier.”

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