the man in my head will never leave me for dead!

1 year ago

a different kinda feedback
they/them is demonic as fuck
mental illness will always have a demonic element to it
clinicians exploit the public's lack of knowledge about themselves as well as spiritual things
technocracy/pharmacracy is real easy w/ the public's help
i love playing music
no i don't hallucinate, anyone i seem like i'm talking to is an audience that i know is only inside my head
myself is a lot which is why i have to be alone
3% of the time is real sad but the other 97% is just fine
all these mfs on the internet, they must be in a real blunder
they do seem to be in an existential crises
clams are happy at high tide
i make the world what i want it to be cos i have always hated the world
this separate world i live in is different every decade
i diss the world w/ ease
4 double A batteries, that's it
what dog sound is that
is that weird to love goldens, the typical avg american family dog?
my friend at work just got attacked by his pitbull n had to get stitches in his hand
it's only a matter of time

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