Another Interested Party in Miles Guo’s Case Demands All Information in the Case

1 year ago

01/06/2024 【Miles’ Insight】In Document 221, the court acknowledges receiving a renewed motion to stay the bankruptcy case, leading to the rearrangement of the briefing schedule. Document 222 reveals that another interested party in the case is requesting all related information. As for Document 223, the prosecution requests the court to deny the motion from a lawyer representing thousands of Himalaya Exchange clients and issue an order ceasing further unsolicited filings from him.
01/06/2024 【Nicole看七哥】在221号文件中,法庭表示收到第二次暂缓破产案的动议,并对辩护时间表作出新安排;而在222号文件中,有新的案件相关方向法庭要求得到此案所有资料;在223号文件中,检方要求法庭拒绝代表几千名喜交所客户律师提出的退款动议,并命令其停止提出未经请求的文件。

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