artists: never expect anyone to support you *weirdo pride, meow if you agree

9 months ago

one of these days imma climb up a tree n that is where i will die
why is "dying alone" a threat
do they not realize the power that we have to multiply ourselves haha
God bless syd barrett
football fans are pretty crazy about their team
football jerseys. band tshirts. posters.
as long as it doesn't become an idol
there's probably two people in every arena that aren't sheep
...unless it's echo & the bunnymen haha
passion turns real ugly when ego gets involved, no better example than team sports
if you question things you realize the utter pointlessness of all of it
the crazy cat ladeh trope exists b/c of the sheep
we really wanna say fucked up shit most of the time
this art form ain't very nice
we internalize what everybody else puts all over twitter
just b/c everyone else is doing it doesn't make it right or acceptable
we cannot make objective statements anymore
who am i to criticize a hitman since i dunno shit about cleaning up a crime scene
if everyone's opinion is important than nobody's opinion is important
americans don't value creativity
if it sounds fascist it's cos it is
a little fascism goes a long way when it comes to sex
i hope that this is enough of a contribution
i still get disappointed w/ the utter futility of everything
having kids is a risk, not having kids is a risk
quitting smoking is still better than a college degree
objectively speaking i can see the value of child rearing
this world will always value the plebian sheep over the artist

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