Dealing With Thripes In Cannabis Cultivation - Natural Tips n More - Dab Sesh

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V. Join me for a dab sesh and a discussion over the article I wrote this evening on Locals. I may extend this one as it is a complex topic however I have maxed out my locals at 14k words, if it is continue it'll be on Patreon.

The article I wrote is linked at the bottom of the page here.

Please feel free to keep this content happening as I am in n o way monetized on meta or elsewhere and I rely on my followers and supporters to keep me from a life mod ooddles n noddles.

All content is free because I count on the cannabis community to be real and show when they find value in, and not to when they don't, or maybe you just appreciate a Cannaseur and advocate for open market in cannabis legalization.

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If interested in my Terpene infused Bath Bombs please either email me the available aromas are on TERP TOK page on my Bloodshot koala Profile on Meta (FB):

Or my Linktree has an easy order form less than $20 for far more than you get from Bath and body works.

Advoc8 always
Meduc8 Daily

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