How To Sell Your Home or Real Estate Fast in A Slow Market

1 year ago

How To Sell Your Home or Real Estate Fast in A Slow Market

0:00 Introduction

Hello, Andrew Anderson here and I'm with and in this short little video, in the next two or three minutes, I'm going to show you how to get every agent in town to show your property first and not pay a full commission. And more than likely, sell your home or property before anyone else does if you're going to use a real estate agent to list your home. And in some of our other videos, I will show you how to do this without using an agent. But for this one, typically let's look at how a real estate agent transaction goes down.

0:31 How Real Estate Commission Works

Throughout the country and depending on where you are, six percent's a fairly typical agent fee. And of that fee 3% goes to the listing agent or the person that came to you and got you to sign up for three months, six months, or hopefully a year for them. Not so good for you, but for listing your property. And what they will do, not all cases, there are some good brokers out there, but in far too many instances, they will take your information, get you to sign the contract, put a rather bad description of your property and some pictures on the MLS and be done with it.

Oh yeah. They'll put out a sign too. Woohoo. And what they'll do is they'll wait for another selling agent from probably more than likely one of the other companies in town to sell your property. And of this, it's been our experience that over 90% of the property sold are not sold by the listing agent. They're sold by the selling agent. So, let's look at how this transaction goes down. On a $200,000 house or property, there's $12,000 commissions that are paid out. The listing agent, even though they may not be doing anything else other than plunking a sign, putting in on an MLS and getting you to sign a contract, will get $6,000. Isn't that dandy? The agent that's actually out there bumping her hump and brought the buyer into you will only get $6,000 which they have to split with the broker. And so what you have is you have a house for sale for a while along with all the other 10 million other people that have their houses listing.

1:52 How to Sell Your Property Fast in A Slow Market

What I'm going to show you is how to avoid that situation and take advantage of the system. What we're going to do is, and perhaps you've heard of this before, is a flat fee listing service. And what they are is they're a broker who agrees to list your property and only take $190 to $399 dollars. That's it. There's no 3% split with them. What we're going to do in this scenario is we want you to do this, we want you to find a listing agent, a flat fee listing agent, to list your property for $199 to $399. They're out there. Then what we're going to do is we are going to offer to pay a 4% commission to the selling agent.

Now, you're still saving 2%, or on our example of the $200,000 house, you're still going to keep $4,000 in your pocket minus whatever your listing fee is, but yet you're paying out $8,000, but what you do is you specify that this goes to the selling agent and broker. And so what happens, just in this simple scenario, is you're going to increase the money they're going to make on selling your house by 33%. Now, all things being equal, if you have a house across the street and they have your house, same price and everything else, which house do you think that they're going to show their buyers first, knowing that they can make 33% more? It's a no-brainer. It's human nature. They have to make a living, they have to put food on their table, they have to take care of their kids as well. By taking advantage of the system, you're going to get far more brokers to show your house than anyone else's.

3:17 How to Sell Your Property Even Faster

And if you bump the amount up to 5%, that means they would get $10,000, you're going to have even more of those people. And if you put a full 6% commission, excuse me, you're actually going to double what they're going to make. You literally will have them showing your house first, all things being equal. And even if some things aren't equal, they're still going to drive their buyers by your house first. And you will get showings on it and you will get it sold quicker than if you were to list with a regular agent under the normal circumstances. I've not seen this anywhere else. We've been doing it fairly successfully for quite some time now. Hopefully you'll be able to use this, and sell your property a lot quicker.

Please look for more videos like this that will show some of the techniques that we've been using that you won't find anywhere else about real estate and investing. Thanks for stopping by Andrew Anderson signing out. Talk to you soon.

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