IT HAPPENED IN NOVEMBER (Censored by Rumble)

1 year ago

AKA: Bitch sniper through the window. The only way i figured the cops could get me,
without cutting open my door and fighting me.

I stayed in the hallway where that was blocked off.

Let's go over the narrative of events,
NOV 18th 2022, I went for the TIM HORTONS, the meat,
intending to kill everyone inside. I failed, he had a magic door,
I pretended to be a confused and bemused customer and walked home,
without arrest, police drove by me, I was so sure they wuz gonna arrest,
they just drove by.

NEXT DAY, NOV 19th, Thomas the super, tells me,
after i just got away with tryina kill 9 people in a TIM HORTONS,
he said he's gonna spray for roaches.

Honestly I didn't believe this was true, but on even the shred of a chance
that he was gonna gas my cat and kill her as punishment, IT WENT DOWN THAT NIGHT,

Not comin to exterminate nothin, man.....

My favorite part of the video is when I poured food all over the floor,
and told her:

"Neko be strong, you're a cat,
there's food all over the floor,
you know what this is, be strong!"


The funniest night of my life,
as well as the best.

I rained down hell on the apartment complex after that,
Threw a bottle of giant baileys at an old lady's head (the very valuable board of directors head),
She dove well, and survived with only cuts,
She then ran under my apartment, and just sat there listening,
as i rained down hell and screamed abuse at anyone who tried to walk by.

A guy came by with his dog,
trying to save her,
I couldn't even see she was there,
even funnier that she was,
I threw a knife at his dog,
he ran away.

Then later, I exited into the hallway,
before the first cop showed up,
and tried to hammer my way through
VIVEK's lock, but that door was impossible whore,
That door was made of rocks man,
they had to cut mine open to get me.

Lucky Vivek,
if I had gotten in,
there wouldn't be much left of him,
or anyone else inside.

-Brendan Rose
(Not Criminally Responsible - NCR - Nacho Cancer Rose)
"I can talk about the case now, by the way, it's settled science, I was NCR."

By the way, I didn't really think he was gonna kill my cat, I was just pretending.
ON THE WAY OUT, I cut my name on the door,
it said:

(cute cat drawing)


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