California has selections, not elections

8 months ago

First part of the Monday, Citizens Election Advisory Committee, 1-8-2024.
An unedited video. For info go to:
In Shasta County, California, the current Board of Supervisors has created an advisory board. Shasta County has made national news by cancelling a contract with Dominion to start counting ballots by hand. This has made a number of citizens unhappy, people who would trust a box with no way to check what's going on inside it.
However the state government in Sacramento was quick to pass a law that would prohibit a hand count in a city such as Redding, California; Shasta County's largest town.
Shasta County is split, 30% Democrat to 60% Republican, but for a few years the elected Elections Clerk has been a Democrat; and I'm sure of Shasta County's voters are unaware of her party registration.
In the last election she did not recuse herself from overseeing her own election. She claims that the position of County Clerk is non partisan, and therefor she was not required to identify her party on the ballot. But would a Republican stronghold such as Shasta County elect an elections clerk if they knew she was a Democrat, that she supports drop boxes, electronic tabulators, and mail in ballots?
The Shasta board of Supervisors consists of 5 registered Republicans. So what could be so important for Sacramento to pass a law to stop a hand count?
In my opinion, there must be something very important about having machines tabulators? This is suspicious and must be investigated.
In the California Constitution, hand counting is used to settle close election results, so why outlaw hand counting. (no source code or passwords are allowed by Dominion for inspection. You must trust Dominion. Would you allow a poker player to collect the pot without showing their cards?)
In my opinion these machines must be communicating results to Sacramento so as to set in algorithms in tabulator software to elect candidates more agreeable to Sacramento's political needs (The candidates that will agree to strings attached measures.) To me, it's obvious that there is manipulation in Shasta County's election results. This is why California has become a mono party state. It is permitted to voter harvest, have drop boxes and send out mail in ballot to almost every living thing. in other words, there is no chain of custody in California's voting process.
California has selections, not elections.


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