What Product was He Selling? What Website Did He Have? -Eric Trump Questions Biden's Overseas Income

1 year ago

What Product was He Selling. What Website Did He Have? Eric Trump Questions Biden's Overseas Income

Thursday January 4, 2024 at 7 PM Eric Trump campaigned for Donald Trump at the FFA Enrichment Center in Ankeny, Iowa.

Eric spoke on the state of the United States. Eric started off by targeting Nikki Haley’s comment against Iowans making bad voting decisions. Eric said “So, Haley made an interesting little blunder today...Did anybody see this? This was...This was pretty terrible. I would actually put this on the scale of the deplorables comment by Hillary Clinton which was...You’d say probably pretty terrible as well right? So she comes out and she says that New Hampshire is going to fix the mistake – and I’m paraphrasing -- that Iowa makes – meaning because she thinks she can win New Hampshire, which she won’t...But she knows that she’s gonna lose Iowa. So she says that Iowa..New Hampshire is gonna fix the mistake that the people in Iowa are otherwise gonna make. I don’t know that’s pretty derogatory to be going around the state campaigning on the fact that an entire population of people are going to make a mistake by voting for somebody that they like more than you. I haven’t quite figured this one out.”

Eric continues to talk about his experience campaigning for Donald Trump in the past. He goes on “And I remember getting into that caucus location. I spoke in four gyms that night and they were filled with people...thousands of people in those gyms. And we spoke from the heart. And again we didn’t know anything about politics. We tried to come off as very sincere people who want to go in and to save the country that was otherwise in ruin coming out of the Obama administration. A country that was giving 150 billion dollars to Iran; a country that chants death to America; an administration that was literally targeting the first amendment, freedom of religion, freedom of speech. They were targeting the second amendment. They were targeting our constitution. They were targeting our pledge of allegiance. They were targeting our flag. They were targeting holidays that we had. They were borderline incompetent with three quarters of the policies that they put in...And I never forget my father...He was reading the papers one day...It’s exactly what I said before. The Obama administration gives the 150 billion dollars to Iran including 1.8 billion dollars in cash. Remember they flew it in on the cargo planes sent into Tehran. And my father’s shaking his head saying “What the Hell are we doing? What is this country doing? This is insane. They’re literally chanting ‘Death to America’ over there and we’re giving them 150 billion dollars and 1.8 billion dollars in cash. You know where that cash is going. It’s not going...It’s not exactly going to help the children on the street of Tehran right? That’s going into politicians’ pockets. You know what are they doing? And then my father would read...You know the headlines of some paper. The United States is ranked 30th in the world in terms of education. He’s sitting there saying ‘No...no..no...This isn’t the United States of America. We should be number one in everything we do because we’re the United States of America. Everything we do Number One’. We should have the greatest military in the world. We should have the greatest economy in the world. We should have the greatest manufacturing in the world. We should have everything….Certainly education. And we’re ranked 30th in the world. And by the way on a percentage of money spent per kid we were like twenty times the next highest country, and yet we’re failing on this? And we’re failing with the border...We’re failing with the military. We’re failing with our vets, and we’re failing with just about everything else. And my father wanted to do this. And I’ll never forget. I was right next to him when Hillary Clinton called. I tell this story once in a while. In fact I have a picture that came across my phone like two days ago. So he was on the cell phone. You can only imagine the voice on the other end. You know, I could see it through his face as only a son can. Does that make sense? You know and you hear her voice and how tough...Nah not many of us are big fans clearly. And that was a great moment...Yeah that was a great moment. And I told this story this morning to a couple people that are in this room, but twelve minutes after that phone call was made the Washington Post does an article ‘This is when the Impeachment of Donald Trump Begins’. They didn’t even give the guy a damn shot. He won decisively. This wasn’t like a close election. He won decisively in terms of the delegate count and everything else. They didn’t even give him a shot. It was the Washington DC system. It was the crooked media, and we have plenty of it in this country. And they knew...They knew that the Russia thing was coming. I was the guy that got the phone calls from the Washington Post, the New York Times right. Michael Sussmann goes into the FBI headquarters ‘We believe that the Trump Organization is communicating directly with Russia through secret servers that they have in the basement.’ So I get a call from the Washington Post first and the New York Times second ‘We hear you’re communicating with a Kremlin.’ Excuse...Is this April Fools. I’m looking at my watch. ‘We hear you’re communicating with a Kremlin.’ I go excuse me? ‘Yeah yeah….You have secret servers in the basement of the Trump Tower.’ I can assure you you do not have secret servers in the basement of the Trump Tower. First of all you don’t have servers--as I explained to people today--in basements, because basements flood. Let’s just start with the obvious right? Second of all, a lot of the world is based on cloud computing now. You don’t really even have servers. This whole narrative was junk. So then Michael Sussmann leaves. He calls up the New York Times...The Washington Post...And you know what he says? He says ‘The FBI is investigating the Trump Organization.’ So the New York Times...The Washington Post calls up the FBI and asks ‘Are you investigating the Trump Organization?’ ‘We can’t comment.’ And this is the beginning of the Russian Investigation which was paid for by Hillary Clinton. The guy didn’t even assume office yet, and the powers to be...The corruption of Washington DC were already trying to destroy his life. Destroy my life. Go after Don. You remember Adam Schiff going out saying Don was an agent of Russia? They didn’t give the guy a chance. Then they impeach him once, and that was all nonsense as we came out to see. And then they impeach him twice, and they go after Cavanaugh viciously making up all these rumors and slanders. They try and destroy him there, and despite that he had the lowest unemployment in the history of the country, the lowest female unemployment, the lowest Hispanic unemployment, the lowest African American unemployment, the lowest youth unemployment, the largest tax cuts in the history of our nation...the largest, peace in the Middle East...He fought like hell for religious freedom. He fought like hell for the second amendment and all the things that we care about. He rebuilt the military. Greatest military on...Guys the only president in history that never got America into a war. Never got America into a war. And you remember Hillary would go around the place and she would ‘He doesn’t have the temperament to be president. He can’t have his finger on the nuclear...’ That’s funny cause that’s the exact kind of temperament you want as a president, because no one would challenge the United States of America because you had somebody in there that had some grit and backbone and strength...And cared...And didn’t sell his family and his influence to every country around the world including Ukraine and China and Romania and everybody else. His kids were not on the payroll to say the least, unlike a counterpart that we have right now. You know what’s really interesting is that the media does nothing about it. They know exactly what was happening. They know that whole family, grand kids were taking massive amounts of money from foreign countries while he was VP. You know for what product was he selling...I always ask that question. I ask that question like thirty times a day. What...You know what we do. We do hotels and golf courses and stuff. What the hell product...By the way we have a lot of John Deere. If anybody’s affiliated with John Deere in this room we...Aside from a couple big farms, we probably order more John Deere that just about anybody. They’re the greatest machines and we love that green...But everybody knows the answer to that question...What was he selling. What product was he selling. What website did he have? Did he have a website? How can you make ten million dollars off of these various countries and literally not have a website even advertising your services? It’s like you know...You could be a small pizzeria and have a website, but yet somebody whose taking that much money in from around the world for various quote on quote services doesn’t have a website? Is going through about four hundred different shell companies. Give me a break. The whole world understands exactly what it is, but guys they never gave him a chance.”

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