Dagmar Schoen and Katya Wormer

1 year ago

Dagmar Schoen (please see below) and Katya Wormer, German defence lawyers representing Dr Reiner Fuellmich

Attorney Dagmar Schoen, residing in Munich, Germany

Contact information: www.kanzlei-schoen.de (only in German, as I has only have German clients)

Since 1981, I have been an elected member of the bar. Aside from my early years, I have exclusively practiced civil law as a solitary practitioner throughout my career.

Becoming a wealthy and famous lawyer was never my primary goal. In the seventies, when I started, there weren't any legal firms specializing in human rights concerns, which is the only field of law that would have piqued my interest at the time.

Following the completion of the two state exams in late 1976, instead of pursuing a career in law, my intuition guided me towards an ashram in India. I resided there continuously for a duration of four and a half years, during which I began to meditate, signifying my commitment to expanding my level of consciousness. Becoming a conscious human being has been the primary objective in my life.

Upon reflection, I consider these years to be the most pivotal period in my life. The ongoing inner work that commenced at that time has resulted in my current state of being largely devoid of fear. This has proven to be a valuable resource, particularly in recent years.

I am deeply grateful that I followed my instincts and made the decision to relocate to India, even though I had no financial resources. During this time, individuals experienced a complete disconnection from their family and friends, as the sole methods of communication between Germany and India were limited to telephone and telegrams. Upon returning to Germany, I found myself at a loss of direction in terms of pursuing a conventional job in a big law firm or a company, as the prevailing societal norms, which I now perceived as increasingly irrational, were more apparent to me with each passing day.

I first met Reiner Fuellmich in 2016. Having devoted several years to the retrial of a specific criminal case, the ruthlessness of the criminal justice system shocked me as it is much worse than in civil law. Establishing a platform to scrutinize the operations of this judicial system, which brutally destroys individuals on a daily basis, appeared to be an absolute necessity.

I joined Transparency International, where in the beginning about five other attorneys shared my conviction. I asked Reiner Fuellmich, whose newsletter I had been subscribed to for a number of years, if he would be interested in participating in this project. That was actually the first step towards the establishment of the Corona Committee.

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