Article 4590 Video - A Public Official, or, Merely Pretending to Be? By Anna Von Reitz

8 months ago

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Article 4590 Video - A Public Official, or, Merely Pretending to Be? - Saturday, January 6, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

One of the problems I have with believing any of the reports of people being arrested and tried at Gitmo and elsewhere is that certain fundamental premises don't make sense.

Here is a case in point, following fast upon the heels of our analysis of King John I's private ability to contract versus public ability to contract.

According to the Narrative, United States Navy personnel, particularly the JAG (Judge Advocate General) Command, have been rounding up various members of the former and present political Administrations and subjecting them to various charges and sentences, up to and including capital punishment for treason.

The stated rationale for this is that these people are "public officials" but a closer inspection reveals that this is not true; they may have occupied vacant Public Offices, but that does not make them legitimate Public Officials -- especially not without their contractual acceptances.

As impersonators, does the charge of "treason" even apply?

People engaged in parody and theater productions and even con games seldom rise to the level of capital crimes, and though I appreciate the spirit of the thing, it does rather reek of killing the scapegoats that have been hired to promote the fictional narrative -- many of whom may actually believe that they are public officials and have no idea otherwise.

The distinction between being elected in a political election sponsored by a municipal or commercial corporation and being elected in an actual Public Election may be lost on Joe Average or Joe Biden, for that matter, but not on us, the actual Americans who are Foreign Sovereigns, not Sovereign Citizens.

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