Police Pepperball man in car. I'm just reading a book

1 year ago

Wasn't any info with this story and it's hard to make out everything they are saying because the windows are up. But they definitely said they were there for a trespass at the beginning. Why not just do what you're supposed to and let the man be on his way? I wish there was more info available because I'd like to know what the deal was. I believe if they had a warrant or a reason they would have just broke the window like they usually do. But this stuffs important for the public to seem this is for news and educational purposes no one was hurt during the making of this. If it was a simple trespassing which it seemed to be the police blew this way wayyyy out of proportion. They're simply supposed to ask him to leave and that's it. He doesn't have to identify he just has to leave. Which they never even gave em the option.


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