Article 4586 Video - This is So Simple - Wednesday, January 3, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

11 months ago

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Article 4586 Video - This is So Simple - Wednesday, January 3, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

When GMO's were first introduced to farmers, they were modified strains of corn and soybeans that had been tweaked to internally self-produce insecticides.

The genetic hardware of the plant had been externally manipulated to produce entirely new chemicals foreign to the plant, which when ingested by bugs, would kill the bugs.

This might at a very superficial level appear to be a good alternative to spraying row crops with insecticides, but look deeper.

Who is eating that plant besides the bugs?

Do you want to be ingesting massive amounts of plant-produced insecticides as part of your food?

Welcome to the world of Genetically Modified Organisms, GMO's.

It didn't take rocket science to progress from making plant cells produce insecticides to making human cells produce harmful venom-like spike proteins that poison people internally and wear down their immune systems for a host of opportunistic diseases to take hold.

So, now that you know what "they" have done to you and your loved ones, what are you going to do to them?
Some people say life in prison, others say -- why waste the space and money?

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