BE-ing a Leader

1 year ago

We’re starting a new LIVE Instagram series called “Raw Love”.

Everything is game.

We went deep today on BE-ing a leader: what is their role, motivation, and what does that practically look like?

As always, we are bringing in the perspective of Sacred BodyMind Language as our foundation of truth.

What did you learn about leadership and where you are in self-leadership?

AND what kinds of topics would you like us to share a more extended perspective on?

@KellyLoveRewilding on IG

#Leadership #SelfLeadership #Embodiment #Enlightenment #Awakening #Spirituality #SpiritualMaturity #Maturity #Growth #SpiritualGrowth #BodyLanguage #BodyMindLanguage #Psychosomatics #SomaticExperiencing #SoulWhisperer #Accountability #Responsibility #SubconsciousReprogramming #Reprogramming #Wholeness #IAm #IAmPresence #ChristConsciousness #Conscious #Consciousness

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