11 months ago

Again this is coming with multiple many good points and I can't say it better.
But in fact I disagree on two of them : religion and voting.
Now we need to have one humanity and all religions need to be equal ( less the snakers religions as are many too )as 80X20 rule will apply. They - the snakeres - create all of this so they can easy divide us and the prove is all the wars they created and all is based on religion from the time of Rome and behind.
Second is voting. Never vote ( give the snakers your soul and free will ) for any lawyers. As they lie all the time. Keep in mind BAR association , this is an army of generals, and Admirals ( like Attorney Generals and yes they tell you in front of your face - note int his the world Generals ) and this is under British Crown ( tone of the biggest snakers ) and they take everything from you and yes in the name of there justice( religion of death and conquer) and from this they build all this slaughter houses with your money ( as mandatory taxes is the problem plus printing and digitizing of there feat currency as now reach 34 Trillion and by 2030 will be over 40 Trillion and in this not to mention the "derivatives" as this are in thousand of trillions) and this without your consent using there gun and gunners ( humanoids like clones, computers etc. )in general , but if you vote i( vote is done by computers ,and your action to go to the voting poles is enugh for them and is over for us. So this is a huge problem as will never end and they gain more enslavement on you using your free will and your soul, yes your soul.
Now all make sense to see how to solve this voting issue and is the Treaty called FOREVERPEACE TREATY.
Now you need to apply the rule of 10X10 , the rule of 80X80 and subscribe to survive as this is close to end of humanity as AI is upon us and they will take every bit of from what we have.
And they create the word " majority" as a word and with this word they take all.Just if the snakers will vote only and there computers is over as we see it now with so much clarity. All is deception, division, religions , Rules of Lawyers ( the big snakers ) I witness all of this and of course there deadly attacks on me, personal , my life, my family my businesses my health my business, my family my son, so now is said and let's be ForEverPeace..
So is easy to understand that this big snakers use the small snakes implanted in us and destroy all Earth and big part of this Universe. and the funny think is " they blame on you and animals, forestry etc. they will never stop for as long the weapons are engage in full swing all the time.
WE must act and stop this so use the 10X10 rule and make you free, subscribe and survive.
So with this we learn : how there army is formed, what form of weapons they created ( as AI now as the latest addition to there weaponry and is more deadly that any weapon they created ) and how they use it against each of us.
So be happy and no worry as you action will prove we can win, if not we all loose include the snakers. Let's stop this www3 and go to gofundme.com and look for tarr Canada ( double r"and you will find the solution there and that solution is so simple, but I need you as this is the ultimate now as time is so short only maybe 2 years. Act use the 10x10 rule, subscribe and survive without your action , devotion nothing will be solved. Now I have the solution and part of the plan and you of course. As I expect from 100 visitor only 10 may act on this plan as the snake inside us will overwrite my plan. Tell the snake inside you: I will bit you as Dr Bryan have the solution for that.
Be bless and all Universe as this is our home and ultimate our eternal life as soul and of course give your blessing to my plan ( our plan) act now so we will have a ForEverLife eternal one.

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