Multi-Tiered System of Support

1 year ago

What is Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) in education? This presentation by Julie Quist, CPL board chair, breaks down the real meaning and intents of this “new” educational concept. Don’t be fooled by the academically sounding language!

MTSS is a federal education system (federally funded) using an “equity” lens. All students are psychologically assessed, every student has a permanent psychological profile and all students are rated on their “cultural competencies” (values, attitudes, beliefs). That is Social Emotional Learning (SEL).

As stated on the MN Department of Education site, “MnMTSS is a systemic, continuous improvement framework for ensuring positive social, emotional, behavioral, developmental, and academic outcomes for every student.” As described for one of the MnMTSS webinars “a systemic foundation for addressing inequity and improving outcomes for all students in Minnesota.”

Social Emotional Learning

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