The Donald Called down to Georgia

1 year ago

True the vote has a great update on c case.... and I heard different words to a song again. Here are the words I sang.
Donald called down to Georgia exposing some fraud reveal
went from way ahead to way behind a yuge election steal
he came across some rinos sayin would’nt help cause they been bought
Donald jumped to X and truth told fake news let me tell you what"
"I guess you didn't notice but I'm a business person too
not a politician or corrupt minion forced to act the way you do
cabal they obey evil listen to lucifer thats who
they bout out of time didn’t change your mind so a reckoning comes due
The boss said, "My name's Donnie , and though I‘d never been
we aim to make this country great born for the time we’re in
Don put on God’s armor evil’s coming at you hard
'Cause Hell's broke loose in Georgia and dominion changes cards
fight to win, best go all in the great revival comes its a spirit battle for lost souls
The DA’s opened up indictments nothing there its just a show"
bull crap from their lying lips as accuser’s lies did flow
bought and paid by soros with TLA’s their acompliss
compromised DA’s and Judges parroting the serpents Hiss
when pedo DA’s finished Donnie said, now precidents done
But sit down and observe how most high God speaks it undone"Yahway on the Mountain", battle’s won The Devil's head crushed by begotten son
picking Where you stand for all to show will there be a plea deal No, child, no
The cabal bowed its head because it knew it faced defeat
And some been tried at gitmo floor drop quick then dangling feet
Donnie said, a storm is coming said it time and time again
And now its here its crystal clear you’re the swamp I came to drain
Yahway on the Mountain battle’s won The Devil's head crushed by begotten son
y’all picking Where you stand for all to show will there be a plea deal No, child, no

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