Dr. Gundry on Lectins - What Lectins Can do to YOUR Health | Inflammation & Leaky Gut

1 year ago

Dr. Steven Gundry talks all about lectins and the effect that they can have on your health. In this special compilation episode of the Dr. Gundry Podcast, we highlight some of the best content that Dr. Gundry has created on Lectins.

00:00 - Dr. Gundry gives an overview of Lectins
01:41 - Dr. Steven Gundry's Lectin-rich foods to avoid
03:45 - Dr. Gundry talks about his research on Lectins
07:45 - How Lectin's effected one of Dr. Gundry's patients
12:25 - Dr. Gundry Tests lectin theory on himself

Lectins are plant proteins. They’re found in all sorts of members of the vegetable kingdom, and they happen to be one of nature’s greatest defenses against any hungry animal (or human being).

Now, not all lectins are toxic. But many are, and when you’ve got a lectin intolerance, you don’t want to ingest any one of these plant proteins, because the consequences can be pretty severe.

You see, nature’s got it all figured out. Plants suppose if you eat something that makes you sick, you’ll steer clear of it the next time you’re hungry. So, by forcing you to ingest harmful lectins, Nature has protected itself. Let’s say you decide to do your gut a favor and cut out gluten. It may help, but adopting a gluten-free diet doesn’t always fix the problem.

That’s because many other kinds of non-gluten grains can contain other types of lectins.
And those lectins can cause painful or uncomfortable physical responses, including:
Digestive issues, Leaky Gut, Bloating, Nausea, Gas, and Diarrhea.

On this episode of the Dr. Gundry Podcast, Dr. Steven Gundry is going to take you on a journey of discovery. He will explain the origins of his lectin theory of disease, share useful tips and tricks for cutting lectins out of your diet, and discuss the case studies that helped solidify my research.

Maybe you’ve heard the buzz about a lectin-free diet — but what are lectins, exactly? Steven Gundry MD explains what lectins are, and why lectins destroy your health.

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