Picking What We Think Will Be A 5 Star Read... Was It?

1 year ago

In case you missed our Sept TBR video, we picked a book that we thought was going to be a 5 star read. We thought it would be fun to wrap the book for our TBR and reveal the book during this vlog.

Which books did we predict would be a 5 star read? And was it a 5 star read? Check out the video to find out.

Videos Mentioned:
Sept TBR - https://youtu.be/fcObZzFqGzo
Summerween - https://youtu.be/oQmpyCWrxis
Wishing Game Vlog - https://youtu.be/G4SirlBbOSQ
Mother Daughter Murder Night - https://youtu.be/qp4tHXxO7SU
Freida McFadden Part 2 - https://youtu.be/zl1APUOnX2U

Follow Amanda on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/37151318-amanda

Contact Us: jandabooktube@gmail.com

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