Secrets of the Secret Societies | From Global Control to Nashville, TN

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If history be no ancient fable
Freemasonry came from the Tower of Babel;
When first that fabric was begun,
The greatest underneath the Sun,
All Nations thither did repair,
To build this great castle in the air …

It's no longer a mystery for author and researcher Micah Van Huss. Today he sits down with Jeremy Slayden for a fascinating conversation on how secret societies and hidden history have affected our world from biblical times in ancient lands, to today in Tennessee.

Marginal Mysteries Media:




From the very beginning there has been a war in heaven unseen by the eyes of humankind. Across the ages, evil powers of the air have striven with the Creator over control of the nations. These powers manifested in our realm causing the innocent to suffer. Throughout history, humankind has organized secret societies that aid or hinder the invisible rulers of the air.

There are organizations attempting to direct the ebb and flow of humankind through various means, primarily governments. Though some of these groups have great influence over our politicians and through them our government, today they haven’t yet succeeded in seizing full control.

A 300-year-old Freemason document titled “The Freemasons: An Hudibrastick Poem by the Dedicator” partially reads:

If history be no ancient fable

Freemasonry came from the Tower of Babel;

When first that fabric was begun,

The greatest underneath the Sun,

All Nations thither did repair,

To build this great castle in the air …

How did secret societies come to be? To answer the question, we need to go way back in history, to a time when men’s hearts were more innocent, a time before the princes of the air suffered defeat at the hands of the Son of the Creator. We must go all the way back to the ancient book of Genesis, where we read about Nimrod who built the first kingdoms after the great deluge of Noah. These kingdoms were known as Babylon.

Masonic accounts record that Nimrod built pyramid-like ziggurats solidifying his status as a Master Mason. These cities were the first to worship pagan gods. Out of Babylon would come false religion and sinful practices. Throughout scripture God judges Babylon and Assyria and uses them to judge the children of Israel for their disobedience.

Nimrod was the master builder and ruler of Babylon. In Hebrew, the name Nimrod translates, “we will rebel.”

In Genesis 9, God commands mankind to multiply and spread throughout the Earth. Two chapters later in Genesis 11, Nimrod convinces the people to stay together and build a great city. Nimrod’s disobedience brings more sin into God’s newly cleansed world.

Interestingly in his writings, Josephus, a first-century Jewish author and historian, records that in those days, the people were afraid to move out of the mountains and into the plains because they were more susceptible to the flood waters that were still receding.

Josephus with his ancient resources, authored Antiquities of the Jews in which he wrote that Nimrod was a tyrant who persuaded his followers to rebel against God and trust in the strength of mankind. Some Freemasons will name Solomon as the first Excellent Grand Master of the Masons but founding documents tell otherwise. The Regius Manuscript is one of the oldest Masonic documents to be discovered. Written around A.D. 1390, this manuscript is an epic poem that sets out the basic tenets of Masonry. In it, Nimrod is named as the first Excellent Grand Master.

Freemasonry compiled writings to create for themselves their version of god, the Great Architect of the Universe. There are many good choices when deciding which deity was the most powerful and worthy of following. One could choose Osiris, the Egyptian god of fertility, agriculture and the afterlife.

Horus, the Egyptian god of the underworld, is another good choice. Apollo was the Greek god of archery, music, prophecy, healing and the sun. One could follow the two-thirds god Gilgamesh from the Mesopotamian epic. Mithra, Odin, Helios and Baal are prominent choices. Here’s the twist—all of these gods are likely one and the same—Nimrod.

When God strikes the people of Babylon with confusion of language and spreads them throughout the world, we find what we expect to find—70 cultures all worshiping the same pagan god but by different names. Thus begins the mystery religion of Babylon.

How did Nimrod come by the knowledge to build his ziggurats and likely the Tower of Babel? According to the Greeks, Nimrod was the originator of astrology and magic. Masonic history states that Nimrod reactivated antediluvian knowledge called the Seven Sacred Sciences (Grammar, Rhetoric, Dialectic, Music, Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy). He learned it from Enoch, the son of Cain, and how to build Babylon and the Tower of Babel.

How did this science survive the great flood? Was it passed orally through Noah or Ham? Were there writings stowed on the ark? Did an artifact survive the flood?

In Genesis 6 and the book of Enoch, the Watchers came to Earth in the days of Jared, corrupted the human bloodline with the Nephilim and taught forbidden knowledge to mankind.

The Masonic document, the Legend of the Craft, recounts that the children of Lamech knew that God would destroy the Earth but weren’t sure if it would be by fire or water. This story is partially told in Genesis 4. According to over a dozen ancient works, Lamech’s sons Jabal and Jubal carved the forbidden knowledge of the Watchers onto two stone pillars, one that would survive fire, and one that would survive water. After the flood, the Greek god Hermes found one of the pillars and shared the knowledge with Nimrod. In multiple ancient Arabic works, these antediluvian pillars are called the Emerald Tablet.

Did Nimrod with the help of the Greek god Hermes find antediluvian knowledge? Did he use this knowledge to build Babylon and the Tower of Babel? Did his immense power come from wearing the animal skins that God made for Adam and Eve in Eden? Was Nimrod the origin of the world’s secret societies and mystery religions? Does Nimrod have a role to play during the Great Tribulation?

Find out the answers to all these questions and many more in my upcoming book, Secret Societies: Blood Never Sleeps.

The earliest secret societies existed to glorify man and serve the unseen enemy. Not every society was evil, however. Soon would come an order of warriors created to protect the innocent and, on Earth, establish the Kingdom of Heaven.

Psalm 82:3-4 instructs: Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.

Myths of the Order of the Knights Templar have been passed on through history for almost a millennium. Tales of vast treasures and divine relics are synonymous with the Knights Templar. Templars were legends in their own lifetimes, a perception that would save many of their lives at the downfall of the order.

Around 1118, the Knights Templar appeared in Jerusalem after the first Crusade as a small group of nine knights who protected Christian pilgrims. They called themselves the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon.

Their leader, and first Grandmaster, was Hugues de Payens (1070-1136). They would eventually grow to around 20,000 members and be the best funded and most elite of the crusader armies of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

On October 13, 1307, King Philip IV of France, in an attempt to seize the Templars’ legendary treasure, ordered the arrest of all Templars and the seizure of their property. It is believed that this is the event that gave Friday the 13th it’s bad luck.

In 1314, King Philip ordered the public confession of the last Knights Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay. Instead of confessing to any wrongdoing, de Molay was defiant and was slowly burned at the stake. While he was burning, he cursed King Philip and Pope Clement saying that they would both die within a year. After this event, Pope Clement V ordered the Knights Templar disbanded. Within the year, both King Philip and Pope Clement were dead.

Though the knights suffered in France, elsewhere the Templars were treated with respect. Most were acquitted of charges and some protected by their monarchs with name changes. The Templar Order was never really destroyed, in fact it was reborn into the Order of Christ in Portugal. From there, the Templars created a new world order. Not only did Christopher Columbus’ three ships—the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria—bear the templar cross on their sails, but numerous explorers donned the symbol including Vasco da Gama, Ferdinand Magellan and Henry the Navigator.

Whatever happened to the vast hordes of gold and silver that the Knights Templar owned remains a mystery to this day. There is much evidence that some of it traveled to Scotland and some to Oak Island in Nova Scotia. Wherever it ended up, King Philip IV of France never got his hands on it.

The Templars are also said to have acquired many holy Christian relics including the Holy Grail, the Shroud of Turin, the Ark of the Covenant and the Spear of Destiny.

The tales of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round table (the Templeisen) are likely based on the Knights Templar—holy warriors who pursue spiritual quests. While strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government, Arthurian legend is infamous.

The Templars would not only be the genesis of many future secret societies, but also of the international banking system we have today. They would serve as kingdom-makers and quite possibly be responsible for the future United States of America.

In my upcoming book, Secret Societies, we also study the 13 families of the Illuminati, the bloodlines that are attempting to usher in a new world order. We study the Smithsonian Institution’s cover-up of giants in America and Egyptians in the Grand Canyon as well as mysteries such as “Why do the political elite, including six U.S. presidents, burn human effigies at the Bohemian Grove?” and “Why is the current administration enabling hundreds of thousands of children to enter our country illegally?”

From the beginning, with the forbidden knowledge from the Watchers, to the mystery religion of Nimrod and Babylon, the evil rulers of the air are attempting to usher in the Beast Empire and force a final battle with the Creator. Be sure to follow Marginal Mysteries to see an interpretation of how the story ends.

George Washington discusses Freemasonry and the Illuminati:

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