1 year ago

Pickup and Jeep Collide Near Whataburger, 2 Hospitalized, LIVINGSTON, January 9, 2024 - Shortly before 9 am on January 9, 2024, a 2010 GMC Sierra pickup, driven by Harold David Simons, 24, of Livingston, was west-bound on US-190 West (next to Livingston Whataburger). As Simons was passing through the intersection of the US-59 and 190, a black east-bound 2018 Jeep Wrangler driven by Wyatt Wayne Wallace, 21, of Livingston, attempted a left turn onto 59 and failed to yield to Simons. Simons' pickup broadsided the passenger's side of the Jeep. Both vehicles came to rest on the right side of the pavement. Allegiance Ambulance Service was dispatched to the scene along with Livingston Volunteer Fire Department Heavy Rescue Unit, and Officers Chad Lilley and Sergeant Dallas Early with the Livingston Police Department. Wallace and his passenger were entrapped in their Jeep. Volunteer Firemen used the Jaws-of-Life to cut the door off the Jeep and safely retrieve both. Simons had a hurt foot but refused medical treatment. Wallace and his passenger were both transported by ambulance to CHI Livingston Memorial Hospital with undisclosed injuries. Traffic was partially blocked during investigation and cleanup. Wallace was cited for failure to yield. Both vehicles were recovered by LakeView Wrecker and will be stored in Livingston.

Special thank you: Scottie with Country Boy Towing

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