Washing Other Peoples’ Feet

1 year ago

It is common to have to teach somebody a particular thing several times before they get it. When Jesus celebrates a Passover which is the last Passover he will celebrate with his disciples here on earth, what we call the Last Supper, Jesus is going to teach them, but he's going to do it in a unique fashion. He's going to teach them by an example, and then he's going to teach them what he meant by doing what he did. Come and listen to what Jesus did and what Jesus taught, which is so different than what the world expects us to do.

Sermon Notes
John 13:1 Jesus knowing the situation, loved His disciples until the end
John 13:2 They were not all His disciples
John 13: 3 – 5 Jesus got up from the meal, girded Himself and washed His disciples’ feet
John 13:6 – 10 Jesus and Peter have a discussion about washing Peter’s feet
John 13:11 Jesus says not all of His disciples are clean
John 13:12 – 17 Jesus teaches about what He did so they might understand
Matthew 20:25 – 28
John 13:18 & 19 Jesus tells them before it happens that He will be betrayed so they might believe
John 13:20 Jesus tells them those He sends that believe will believe Him and the One that sent Him

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