Bret Weinstein: There are elements within the U.S. partnering with the elements within the CCP.

9 months ago

1/5/2024【The Tucker Carlson Encounter: Bret Weinstein】Bret Weinstein: I don't think the U.S. has an enemy called China; there are elements within the U.S. partnering with the elements within the CCP. The notion that China and the U.S. compete with each other just distracts us from what’s actually happening.
#BigTech #CCP #SurveillanceState #TakedowntheCCP #CCPsInfluence #CCPthreat
1/5/2024【塔克·卡尔森邂逅:Bret Weinstein】布雷特·温斯坦:我认为美国没有一个叫做中国的敌人,是美国和中国共产党的一些人在沆瀣一气。美中竞争的这个说法不过只是为了转移人们对真相的注意力。
#科技巨头 #中共 #监控国家体系 #消灭中共 #中共影响 #中共威胁

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