More Wads For "god" Ms M & Another Doozy The Satanic CSIS Sure Don't Like!

1 year ago

Right over the target yet again on that last one it would seem and a clear indication you CSIS demons or ISIS hackers are clearly on my shit here throttling and causing issues for simple 40mb videos such as the last one saying it like it is with warrior calls! Over half an hour that took to upload and process a simple 4 minute 40mb video? Ya okay CSIS with all your demon terrorist spunk around!

You Sure Didn't Like That Warrior Calls Truth Did You CSIS? Pride Kills, Thanx JAMES Yup!

To all you whom are confused about "new" age psyops, "ET" of the same, or are confused about the whole "god" lie well i keep trying to say why not try being like the scorched grandfather in the centre of the sweat lodge that can see all sides of the s[Q]uare for a change because we ARE IN A NEW AGE!... You ARE "ET", and as for the "god" lie well maybe grow up and be that 141 R "god" for a change and stop waiting on a jeebus lie that never died to come and save you from yourselves because thats not how it works!

John 14:12... The title "christ" is in you all!

Oh and sure Yeshua did die eventually sure but not on any cross for your "sins" you can be sure of that! He actually escaped and had children and everything okay!

As for Ms. M well i know they are real okay because they are under constant attack all the time, more so now that they are onto us and Cosmic agency thus is why i tend not to share links to make things worse for them as the AI sees and knows all therefore is why i am cryptic much of the time as are they for necessity, while your masters kill me slowly right in front of y'all like!

Another simple way to prove they are real is look at any video i share using them and the view counts are throttled such as the ones below! Another reason i've not delved into this aspect of the war thats ongoing right before you all is because i am well aware just how bad the brainwashing is and to be honest i only cared about Annette Marie and the others! All this other shit i found out about later after meeting white love, and all the other events that have happened since including lemon man there that says i'm a "mole" for someone but still i am unclear about, seeing as the federation of planets continues to use shady rules preventing me from speaking directly to my above family watching over me! Regardless it would seem i'm pretty much bald here now and my health getting worse walking aimlessly 20 to 30km a day homeless here since they took that car, they can only do so much! And clearly none of you watching me be killed here slowly right before you seem to give a shit do you? Well hey thanx a bunch yup! glad i could give you all lots of joy and entertainment as they finish me off for trying to help you all!

What's it going to take for sure, Ms M Maui fires!

Thankful Yes Yes! Best Advice Ever Za'el Yep yup!

More on the battle to rid me of my pulse here linked below and some truth of where these wars really started!

Some "biblical They"s For Brantford PD, With Blackrock Vanguard Public Storage Terrorist Fun!

Brantford PD Must Love Watching Me Walk By A Little More Dead Everyday Eh Outreach?
Define damage control aye, oh my why?
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