Congress for a New World - Chapter 42

9 months ago

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It was a long flight from Tel Aviv to London to Los Angeles, where they spent the night, then up to San Francisco the next morning. Due to limited space in the auditorium where the congress would be held, Israel had been allowed only one political delegate, Yetsak Kaufy, and one religious leader, Rabbi Mordechai Margolins, a popular and influential Lubavitcher—and one media representative, which, of course, was Ari. These three had seats together, and their animated discussion made the otherwise tedious flight pass more quickly.

Ari had been interested in the Lubavitchers ever since he’d researched this esoteric yet powerful group for an article he’d done early in 1991. At that time, they had emerged from relative obscurity to international prominence—an inexplicable development that had puzzled Ari. What could possibly have led a joint session of the United States Congress and Senate—in spite of the fact that most Americans had never heard of him or his movement—to honor Lubavitcher leader, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, a resident of Brooklyn, New York? His birthday had been declared National Education Day! That seemed incredible! It was a mystery Ari hadn’t solved. Writing the article had required considerable research. So this was not, by any means, Ari’s first personal contact with representatives of Israel’s most powerful religious group, though he had never met Rabbi Margolins. Ari found the Rabbi’s ideas fascinating, particularly with reference to the Messiah.

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