Gary Wayne – The Nephilim, Fairy & Dragon Royal Bloodlines and the NWO’s End of Times Objective

1 year ago

**This is Really Good -- -- -- ***This will give you an idea of the people who are in charge and pushing the New World Order. You will understand why they call us Goyim, Chattel, Filthy Animals or Useless Eaters. They truly believe they are from the Gods.

KEYWORDS – TOPICS: Gary Wayne, Nephilim, Giants, Fallen Angels, Lilith, Anunnaki, Bohemian Grove, Archons, Satan, Enki, Enlil, Anu, Prince of Darkness, Quantum Entanglement, Enoch, Cain, sophia, Baal, Noah, Sacred Geometry, Gnostics, Polytheists, The Watchers, Messiah, Demons, Royal Bloodlines, Secret Societies, Mystery schools, Freemasons, illuminati, Quran, Masonic Symbology, Windsor, Hanover, Bloodlines, Knights Templars, 7 Sacred Sciences, Astarte, Order of the Garter, Dragon bloodlines, Fairy Bloodlines,

I would call Gary Wayne, the Ultimate Truth Seeker. I really like this guy.

Gary Wayne is truly an incredible researcher and the Author of “The Genesis 6 Conspiracy.” Gary spent 17 years of research to write this one book, which originally contained 1100 pages and he cut it down to 800 pages in hope people would read it.

Gary Wayne is a researcher of the Nephilim Giants and the Dragon Bloodlines. He has researched Demons, Fallen Angels Prophecies, the Giants and the Flood. Gary says that the Flood and the Giants are always connected in many different cultures he has researched. He found that many different geographical locations had very similar historic testimonies.

Gary has read all the religious books and studied Monotheism and Polytheism. He studies the “Mystery Schools” who educated the Global Elite who dominated everybody from the kingships, to the nobility, to education, to the army and religion. They definitely dominated the slave class which was the standard around the world. This is still the case today.

He found that ALL the Rulers took their Bloodline back to a Celestial Mafia God Father or the Fallen Angels or the Nephilim. *Note: the Nephilim were called the Fallen Ones or the Fallen Angels.

ALL Secret Societies arise out of the Mystery Schools. They are structured in certain Universities – think the Skull & Bones of Yale. The emblem advertising the Skull and Bones is the crest for the Illuminati, while its insignia is the flag of the Knights Templar. Members are called “knights,” fashioned after the Knights Templar. Members will often end up holding high positions in secret government organizations, like the Bilderbergs, the Trilateral Commission or the CFR – Council on Foreign Relations.

Gary says that the Quran runs consistently with the Bible, even though it’s not taught that way. Unfortunately, both the Bible and the Quran have been revised to serve certain narratives.

The Quran is not what the Islam’s are teaching. It is being misused for control and power.

The Quran supports the Messiah, the Virgin Birth, the One True God, so whether it is scripture or not, it supports the writings in the Bible.

Fallen Angel – the Nephilim technology was actually brought to the women initially – the Wives of the Watchers. This information comes from the Polytheists and the Gnostics of Europe and their Polychronicon (historical records of the ages) of the Secret Societies.

In their history, Cain, inherits knowledge from Adam. Adam was taught knowlede in Eden, which goes from the Nile to the Euphrates. Eden is not a garden, it is multiple countries and almost Continent like.

Adam was running an Agriculture Development to the likes that had never been seen before. He was growing all kinds of crops and orchids with fruit trees and to do this, one would need knowledge.

Polytheists believe that God taught Adam a ton of knowledge to create this big “Garden.” This is the knowledge that was passed on to Cain and Abel and then later on to Seth.

Seth kept this knowledge through his bloodline to honor the God of the Bible.

Cain was not happy with God, being ostracized and sent away. Cain began using this knowledge for self-purposes and he began following the Fallen Angels and worshiping them. His first born son was Enoch.

*Note: There are TWO Enoch’s in Genesis. Then there is the Holy Enoch that was taken to Heaven, which was the son of Jared. This Enoch, son of Jared and Elijah were the ONLY ones to leave Earth to Heaven without Dying.

Enoch, son of Cain – develops the knowledge of Adam into 7 Disciplines, which are the 7 Sacred Sciences. You see this blended in with the 7 Liberal Arts today and the “Degree” system and Ancient Polytheism Architecture.

These 7 disciplines or sacred sciences were designed to basically do 4 things:
1. To lead people Away from God. No matter what tactics are used, the goal is to lead people away from God.
2. Not give God credit for anything.
3. Slander and Degrade God at EVERY Opportunity. The Fallen Angels don’t do this, they use their followers and offspring to do this because they know the power of God. So they use the humans and the hybrids to do that.
4. Honor their Pantheonic Gods – their pagan gods, their polytheist gods, their multiple gods, there are lots of them, but they will honor this by creating statues and putting them on buildings and create images within the buildings. Anything to get away from the monotheistic belief of one God.

They use an “interpretative approach” as they change the meaning of the Bible. Interpretative Approach is designed for Manipulation.

It was the wives in the Book of Enoch, that received some of the most significant knowledge. They were almost becoming allegorized (symbolic representations) Goddesses. In the Ancient Secret Societies the Mother Goddesses were perceived as higher than the Patriarchical (male) Gods. That is where they get their HIVE mindset – like with the Queen Bee. All males work for her.

It was the knowledge of the Wives of the Watchers, from The Book of Enoch that is took the 7 Sacred Sciences to a whole new level.

This was the Knowledge that allowed them to build the Pyramids and all of the Architecture with Sacred Geometry, the Stone Celestial Alignments and it was all to honor their Gods who gave them this knowledge.

We cannot duplicate the accuracy in our current highest architectures that they did way, way back in the ancient biblical years.

This was called “Angelic Technology” as it was given to the Nephilim, the Fallen Angels.

*Note: There are 3 words that mean the same: Nephilim, Giants and Fallen Angels.

This technology, according to Gary Wayne is what led to the Flood.

Baal, son of El, Zeus, son of Kronos, Enki and Enlil, son of Anu or Horus, son of Isis and Osiris – these are ALL Offspring Gods that ruled supposedly after they killed the immortal Parent Gods.
These offspring Gods, after the flood were sent to the pit (prison).

Two of the old Semitic Deities “Gods” were Baal and Astarte.

Baal – was called God of the Sun.

Astarte – was called Goddess of the Moon.

Baal and Astarte – together were called Fertility Gods.

Post Flood they were wanting to bring these two Nephilim – Giants – Fallen Angels back to create MORE Giants because they were having a Fertility issue.

Ecclesiastes 1:9 "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun."

This is basically saying – everything that has happened shall once again happen. The End Times will be like the days of Noah.

Genesis 9:29 -- The days of Noah were 600 years before the flood and 350 years after the flood.

So, supposedly everything that happened in this period will repeat.

The elite today, believe they are hybrid offspring of the Nephilim. That is who we are dealing with.

Gnosticism -- the belief that human beings contain a piece of God (the highest good or a divine spark) within themselves, which has fallen from the immaterial world into the bodies of humans. All physical matter is subject to decay, rotting, and death.

Gnostic’s believe in the 12 Archons.

Archons – the builders of the Universe. They are the are rulers, each related to one of seven planets; they prevent souls from leaving the material realm.

The archons are the rulers of a realm within the "Kingdom of Darkness", who together make up the Prince of Darkness.

In The Reality of the Rulers, the physical appearance of Archons is described as Hermaphroditic (characteristic of both male and female), with their faces being those of beasts.

God and Satan are said to one of the 12 Archons.

Where so these 12 Archons come from in Polytheism? They come from Sophia.

Sophia – is the female Goddess of Wisdom. She is the Mother of all Mother Goddess.

Sophia is said to have created these 12 Archons from a Nebulous Life Force.

Sophia is the word that is in philosophy. Meaning the love of wisdom or the love of Sophia, the Mother Goddess.

Sophia is considered the greatest of all Goddesses who produced the 12 Archons are produce other angelic beings, including the Nephilim – the Demigods – the offspring who are considered Mortal Gods.

Sophia is the Greek word for Wisdom and Knowledge. She is the arbitrator (official) of the 7 sciences.

Sophia is at the Tip Top of the Gnostics – the Knowledge Cult.

Satan is one of the top Archons. The Gnostics believe Satan to be the God of this world.

The Pantheons (all the gods) you have a Female and a Male, there is a God for each planet.

The High Secret Societies and the Gnostic’s value the Mother Goddess the most of any of the Gods.

You see symbolism of that just about everywhere, including the big corporations. Illuminati, Freemasonry carry this pantheon polytheistic belief system.

The Eastern understanding of all knowledge is the Atman. It is also called the Brahman. Both are representative of the Supreme Being of God. Atman refers more to the self and Brahman refers to the divine essence of the Universe. Atman is the divinity within humans, animals and physical matter.

Atman and Brahman is said to be the Source to ALL Knowledge and it works Interdimensionally.

Atman or the Divine Atman -- It is the spark within the DNA that provides knowledge in an invisible, immeasurable particle. It cannot be measured at the Quantum Level. It has the ability to transmit all knowledge by merging with a measurable particle sending that information through all dimensions instantaneously though Quantum Entanglement. This is the Divine Essence.

Quantum Entanglement means if you were 30 light years away from someone, the communication could be instant with no physical connection. It is like being one with the Universe.

All of this leads to Sophia – the ultimate source of all knowledge.

The world is full of Polytheism. This was a world run by Fallen Angels – Nephilim – Giants for a period of time.

The polytheists are the global cabal.

There are two sides of the Nephilim Hybrids. One side is what we can call the Black Hats and the other side is what we can call the White Hats. BOTH sides are BAD. One side just might treat us a little better.

The Old World Order vs New World Order – internal war between the two. *See -- ***The Order of the Garter – Pharaoh’s Nobility – Understanding Hitler and True Purpose of WWI and WWII to understand that there was an internal war that resulted in WWI and WWII.
Both sides want to KILL us, just that one side wants to do it in a different “softer” way.

*See -- ***Population Soft Kill – The Depopulation Agenda Exposed in 2005 – Dr. David Ayoub for more information on this.

The Royal Blood Lines (Royal Houses) of Europe (Britain and Scotland) – also called Rex Deus – they began their devious, tyrannous coup d’ etats after the death of Jesus. It is important to know these Royals did not hold Kingships, they were just interested in controlling them and taking them over. They wanted to be the INVISIBLE true power behind them. That is why it is called the Royal Houses, like the House of Rothschild’s.

There is a Matriarchal Bloodline – the female or mother bloodline and there is a Patriarchal – coming from the father.

They are considered Goddess and Gods.

Tiamet – A Babylonian goddess who personifies the sea, considered the monstrous embodiment of primordial chaos, is an example of the matriarchal side.

Enki – the Sumerian god of Wisdom and example of the Patriarchal side.

*Note – Sometimes the word God, can mean mysterious force or universal energies – especially when reference to the primordial gods – which are the gods involved with Light and with creation and manifestation and then you have the shadows of the primordial – the outer gods.

Lilith would be an offspring to Tiamet in the Genealogy, her blood is said to be PURE.

Lilith represents the Matriarchy.

Lilith – was of pure Anunnaki stock and blood. Also called the Dragon blood. Gnostics believe two crossbred human/angelic
races were originally created: the Nephilim and the Emmakha Sethites.

Lilith – is either a demigod or a Light Being Angelic offspring, through their physical nature in the physical world. Lilith is of Fairy Bloodline.

Fairies are an allegory (hidden symbolic meaning of connection) for this Matriarchal bloodline.

The other allegory is the Owl. Like at Bohemian Grove. These are symbols and signs of their Gods and of their bloodlines. Genealogy and Bloodlines are of upmost importance to them.

Lilith is considered both a Fairy Queen and an Owl Queen.

On Patriarchy side you have the Dragon and/or the Serpent - genealogy from the Seraphim Angels. They have the serpent faces with an angelic dragon. The Dragons are the Watchers. They are mostly the pro-creators of Genesis 6 – where the sons of God – Nephilim (I believe it is Nephilim) marry the daughters of men.

When you see ANY Serpent imagery you now know they are referring to the Dragon genealogy. Think the Paul VI ceiling at the Vatican. Go look at that. These are not of Jesus folks. Take a look at the emblem of the WHO. These are the f*ckers in charge. They want to exterminate us. It is not at the slightest for health.

They are called the Watchers as they deal with Governance and Legalities. The Watchers are the ones who decide who the Kings are. They select who will be in power. They are referred to in the Bible in Daniel 4:17.

The Owl and the Fairy on the Matriarch side (female). *This is why you have Fairy Queens.

The Dragon and/or Snake and the Raven is on the Patriarch side (male).

After the flood, there is a difference with the Nephilim in both size and fertility. Before the flood, they could multiply with ease. After the flood they had a problem. That’s why they were wanting to bring back Baal and Astarte, from the pit prison.

Astarte was also known in other Middle Eastern pantheons as Astoreth and Asherah, as well as Athtart, Ashtoreth, Ashtaroth, and most notably, Ishtar.

This infertility problem was a female issue. So after the flood you have a shortage of female giants.

After the flood they focused on two bloodlines.

The Dragon bloodline and the Fairy bloodline.

Since there were so few females they had to interbreed with the 9 Patriarch-less Canaanite tribes. They had to inter-marry and after time of breeding with other bloodlines, they lost their size.

The Hybrids were 7 to 9 feet tall.

How does a Spirit Being reproduce with a human being to produce a Demigod?

They do this by manifesting a BODY that can hold their Spirit. They can do this in any Gender. They left Heaven and went to Earth to interact Physically.

A Dwelling place for a spirit is a body and a soul in the physical world.

There are two homes for the Spirit: One in Heaven and one in Physical realm.

So Angels can take the form of a physical body. The offspring will have the features or the looks from their Parents. So a hybrid Seraphim will have snake / serpent features. Those features will phase out as time passes.

The bloodlines are very important – they call the Royal Bloodline gene the Isis Gene.

The new gene line after the flood was started by the Fairy Godmother. The Fairies and the Dragons.

As much as these f*ckers would like to believe they are Royal to the rest of us, they are NOT. Yes, they have more knowledge than we do, but we have the same capabilities as they do. We outnumber them. They know if we were to gain this knowledge that they have, that their sick little asses would be in trouble.

Male and Female are Physical World Terms. They do not apply in Heaven.

Hokmah – in hebrew means feminine wisdom. Sophia is female. They Illuminati tend to worship female Goddesses more than male Gods.

The Great White Brotherhood – consists not only of physical Earthly beings, but Celestial beings also. It is quite a high organization into the higher degrees. The history goes back to the same place Moses was educated – Heliopolis, Egypt. It is also called the Great White (Snake) Brotherhood of Sciences.

Reconstituted Masonry was taught here. Knowledge written by Nimrod after the flood at the time of Babel (huge, elaborate unbelievable tower).

The Great White Brotherhood was at the level of the Illuminati – more like the top level of the Vril Society/Rosicrucian’s, there are probably members in the Committee of 300 and the Council of 33 (the Invisible ones) and into the 13 Illuminati Families.

The Masters from this Brotherhood were to ensure the purity of the continuing royal bloodline that was perpetuated through the Dragon queens of the matrilineal Grail succession.

The Order of the Garder – the Windsor – Hanover Bloodline. Hanover’s changed their name to Windsor’s in WWI.

All of the bloodlines are related and they intersect, but they also have their OWN Orders and Secret Societies.

So after the flood when the Nephilim females had problems reproducing the blood lines became unpure as the Nephilim had to f*ck Canaanites which had their own tribes. They societies that would be in charge of the bloodlines. Some have more Nephilim than others.

Everything is run by the Ancient Royal Bloodlines.

They call themselves Royal because they have a specific bloodline that is considered ‘better’ than the rest.

Where do the Jesuits fit in? They are a branch of the Black Nobility. There are two different gene pools within the Italian Black Nobility. This group is very high up, they are the new Templars within the Roman Catholic Church. They are at Committee of 300 level or higher. They were sponsored by the Invisible Ones – the Council of 33 to take over the church.

FREEMASONRY: A little about Freemasonry – Although Freemasons may not consider their organizations to be religious institutions, they are. Freemasonry can also be called “Sacred Geometry.” Freemasonry has been around pre-flood, so well over 4,500 years. I believe Freemasonry began as a knowledge of the 7 sacred sciences and was pure and shared with everyone who desired. They focused on the 5th sacred science which was Sacred Geometry. Then from my understanding they were corrupted and symbolism was introduced which was the initial corruption of the knowledge to be used in devilish – counter-God ways.

The top Freemasons regularly converse with Spirit Guides, Fallen Angels and Demons to formulate the destructive plans of depopulation, gene modification and imprisonment for humanity – non-Royal bloodlines.

From there, Freemasonry took off down it’s own path, establishing a solid religious foundation in the form of antediluvian (pre-flood) religious idolatry and mysticism, complete with initiates and initiation rituals.

According to William Hutchinson’s book The Spirit of Freemasonry, Freemasonry was never based on architecture but rather on moral and religious tenets. Hutchinson comments: Before the Flood there was a system of religious instruction, which, from the resemblance of its legendary and symbolic character to that of Freemasonry, has been called “antediluvian Masonry” by some authors. This system was preserved by Noah, and after the Deluge was communicated, according to the Legends of the Craft, by him to his immediate descendants.

More from Hutchinson’s book – The Spirit of Freemasonry: The lessons that had been taught by the antediluvians fell into confusion and oblivion and were corrupted by many peoples, so that the service of the true God, which had been taught in the pure Masonry of the first men, was defiled by idolatry. These secessionists from the Pure Adamic Masonry formed institutions of their own, and degenerated, as the first deviation from the simple worship of the God of nature, into the errors of Sabaism, or the adoration of the Sun, Moon, and stars. They adopted symbols and allegories with which to teach esoterically their false doctrine [the religion of Enoch the Evil]. The origin of modern masonry was built on the spurious form of masonry, which practiced the operative form of the Seven Sacred Sciences and the sun-worshiping religion of mysticism.

Rosicrucians – the Rosicrucian’s are the most illuminated of Freemasonry, and the Illuminati, who secretly plot and coordinate all this sedition, for they also converse regularly with spirit guides, whom they secretly recognize as fallen angels and demons.

Freemasonry Today: Freemasonry acts to ensure all governments perform as puppets to install its secret plans, appointing only fellows to government agencies and departments; this includes presidents. They ruthlessly blackmail all those who do not respond as puppets. Freemasonry further ensures that their agents control all police agencies of the world.


From the Freemason Bible: “Withdraw from Freemasonry its symbolism, and you take from the body its soul, leaving behind nothing but a lifeless mass of effete matter, fitted only for a rapid decay. Symbolism was the germ from which the tree of Freemasonry sprang, and which still gives to its main support, nourishment, existence. Hence, the inestimable of this chart which visualizes the symbols of the Masons journey “From Darkness to Light.”

Dragon – The Dragon and/or the Serpentine Bloodline - genealogy from the Seraphim Angels, from the Patriarch side. (Masculine)

There were mostly Red Hair Giants / Nephilim. But there were a mystery group of Black Hair.

Lion, Eagle or a Phoenix it is not really the same.

To learn more about Freemasonry watch these 4 very, very important videos – at least watch two out of these 4, choose any: (These 4 are the Best of the Best that I know of.)

1. ***The Secret Religion that Runs the World – Ex-Freemason – X-Factor Winner Altiyan Childs – MUST SEE

2. ***Freemasonry is an Anti-Christ Religion – Explained by Brother Michael Dimond


4. ***Bill Schnoebelen – Former Satanic Voodoo High Priest Exposes the Illuminati – Masonry is a Religion

As a Bonus – this one fits in and will really help you connect the dots: ***The Order of the Garter – Pharaoh’s Nobility – Understanding Hitler and True Purpose of WWI and WWII

There are 4 Groups of Watchers.

Watchers defined From Gary Wayne’s book – Genesis 6 Conspiracy -- “the hierarchy looks something like this: angels, archangels, principalities, dominations, virtues, powers, thrones, cherubims, and the infamous seraphim angels at the top of the hierarchy. Enoch identified those high-ranking, overseeing seraphims as “Watchers,” just as immortal Nephilim also accepted this appellation later. The book of Enoch leaves the reader with no doubts that Watchers were indeed angels: “… go speak to the Watchers of Heaven…. Tell them, you should intercede for men, and not men for you. Why did you leave lofty heaven, to sleep with women, to defile yourselves with the daughters of men and take them as your wives, and like the children of the earth to beget sons, in your case giants.”

So the Seraphim Angels are called the Watchers and they are at the top of the Angelic Realm.

The Unicorn Horn – in the occult it is like the Third Eye and you can receive knowledge from it. Both antediluvian and post antediluvian (before and after the flood) they road on huge horse with a single horn. Unicorns were created by Angelic technology, both before and after the flood. In the occult they are understood as an Angelic being.

New World Order
globalist groups operate collectively from a predetermined vision, diligently dictated from a cohesive assembly of Adepts, which has been identified with many powerful organizations, including the New World Order, the Committee of Three Hundred, the Illuminati, and the Secret Brotherhood.23 Some believe this powerful, occultist assembly of Adepts is guided by nonhuman intelligences, described as prison wardens or custodians24 (spiritual guides, demons, and/or fallen angels, and/or aliens). All this is consistent with the testimony from the Rosicrucians, the most illuminated of Freemasonry, and the Illuminati, who secretly plot and coordinate all this sedition, for they also converse regularly with spirit guides, whom they secretly recognize as fallen angels and demons.

Why are they trying to Depopulate the Planet?

It is about destroying everything to Ashes so the Phoenix can rise and the Earth will regenerate. Shiva is the God of Destruction and they believe that Recreation will be the result from this destruction. That being the disembodied spirits will inherit the Earth and can rule the New Age. They are trying to destroy the entire planet. They are trying to fulfill prophecy.

Sources: – Gary Wayne’s website. You can order Gary’s book – Genesis 6 Conspiracy and pre-order his new book that focuses on Christianity. -- Gary Wayne Facebook – Gary Wayne’s Email

Video Source: Gabbi Choong --

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