Red Pill Lens Movie reviews: The Matrix

1 year ago

Hey guys, I am a Red Pill nerd and this is my red pill lens movie review on The Matrix, enjoy!

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00:00 intro
1:13 1st point baddie like baddie Trinity/ rating
3:00 2nd point intro to Neo/ BOP/ trinity levels
4:56 3rd point game/ frame/ meeting trinity for first time/ women just are, men must become
9:17 4th point Neo has balls/ censorship/ meeting morpheus/ red pill lens is forever
12:43 5th point unplugging scene/ rebuilding after Zeroing out
14:10 6th point cypher jelous/ trinity gets in touch with her feminine
15:14 7th point cypher shows his true colors as purple pill scum/ unplug age
17:13 8th point mouse quote
18:40 9th point blue pill cypher betrays crew/ agent smiths pov on humans/ past times mfs denied the world and gave us fems....
20:56 Final point Neo vs Agent smiths/ RP vs BP Matrix/ oneitis
22:40 Movie Score
24:26 Outro

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