The Gracious Two - LIVE Show 018 - Kevin Savo

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The Gracious Two, Chad Gracey and JRo (Mr. GoodTimes) discuss the corruption in the healthcare system, with big pharma lobbying the FDA and its heads routinely joining industry after approval.

The guys outline how big pharma controls the FDA and media through lobbying and advertising, with only two FDA heads in 40 years not joining industry. This incestuous relationship puts profits over public health.

Chad Gracey and JRo analyze how the media and Democrats label patriotic citizens as threats to democracy to suppress dissent. All lives matter is called racist while the unaccountable BLM organization sows division for political gain.

Black Lives Matter is criticized for profiting off its name without helping black communities, instead funneling money to Democrats. It ignores inner-city violence and only surfaces for political narratives, not black lives.

Chad Gracey, JRo and Kevin Savo discuss creative industries like film, faced baseless fear that stalled projects and livelihoods during COVID-19. Questioning the inconsistent response risked social ostracization despite many surviving the overhyped virus. Zoom profited from this manufactured panic.

Kevin Savo, a filmmaker struggled getting crews as the overblown COVID risks created irrational fear, even on outdoor sets where social distancing was naturally achieved. This shows how the response impeded essential work across many fields.

and so MUCH more...

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