Ukrainian Counter Offensive Promises

9 months ago

Ukraine Fatigue After the failed #Counteroffensive of the #Ukraine forces against #Russia, what next as #America pivots to the #Horrific #War perpetrated by #Genocidal #Zionist #Israel against #Palestine and the #UnitedStates is in direct complicity be it Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative, atheist or believer, both in #WarCrimes and #Genocide of the #Palestinian people in #Gaza it's #Monstrous this American #UnDemocratic #Cut-Throat #Democracy, spreading Violence and #Death throughout the #World
The Little #Emperor #Zelensky is a #ArtificialConstruct of the USA and the collective #WesternNations
The #Israel #Palestine #War in #Gaza has brought some #Truth and #Insight into the #Russia #Ukraine war. There never has been very much #U.S. understanding and veracity in revealing facts and truth of the war. Western nation have been lied to by their Authority & governments for many years, even before the war.
There is little support in #U.S. Congress to continue the #Fiasco, it's been a complete #Failure of enormous consequence and at its highest levels. #Sanctions never worked, the #NordStream #PipelineBombing orchestrated by the #American #president #JoeBiden and all the #Miscalculations from the west. The #Russian #MeatGrinder will be the ultimate decisive factor
The most powerful nation in the history of the world, but #America does nothing but #Criminality and #Despotic #Warfare the best.

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