1 year ago

In 2020 While i was teaching my siblings children Arabic and Turkish online
I noticed USAF/USMC who were connected with feds would remotely give anyone a terrible migraine to skip the class

I had his amazing instinct and was trying to do a reality check because i always sensed the terrorist US feds/Military behind every incident, deliberately and intentionally doing it to sabotage any event

Now this video is a total Dejavo!! after 3 years i heard another person and a documented fact shared from sources talking about the joint ELF deployment on multiple people in different regions giving them the exact same symtoms

Last week i checked with some siblings about chronic legs, feet, ankle, knee pain and it was incredible how they programmed multiple people from my siblings under this scheduled torture right at exact time and date

US feds, US military ran the most dehumanizing jail system, prison system and tortured people in the most horrific ways. Now as they draw back from physical incentive, it doesn't mean they took a break from it but enhcanced the genocide in the most sophisticated Artifical intelligence based Remote electromagnetic signature invisible prison system where they can lock ELF on certain individuals like my aunt they recently killed by inducing her kidney cancer and giving her a heart attack, then my uncle in virginia by giving him cancer and killing him.

They kill people 10 years, 20 years ahead and laugh about it saying "muslim terrorists die early". They killed my grandma too by inducing her lungs cancer and they give my father lungs problem too. They keep making my siblings sick one after another and it is pretty disgusting how they get away with it.

The world needs to wake up to this genocide of US feds agents and US military crippling people through neural monitoring broadcast destroying their nerves as a result they grow tumor, cancer cells and even cause accident.

I can't study, work without being attacked by the terrorist US military remotely who are using very strong electromagnetic frequency on me above 500 per M.T
They brainfog me, bloat the nano particles in my lungs to make hard the breathing and also attack my knees to make it hard to walk. they would burn my crotches even in afghanistan that made it hard to wallk. yes terrorist subhuman US military and feds

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