Gander Airport - der Flughafen am Ende der Welt | Flughafen Gander seine erstaunliche Geschichte!

11 months ago

+++ This German language video appeared in May 2021 on my AidanEyewitness channel. I later deleted it and re-uploaded it to my AOR Languages channel +++

++++ ALERT - FACTUAL ERROR AT 3:50 mins - In the text "20,000 Kampfflugzeuge" both the number and 'Kampfflugzeuge' are inaccurate. Please substitute simply 'Tausende Flugzeuge'. ++++
Many thanks to a Canadian-based historian who pointed this out for me.

This is the German version of my visual podcast about the history of Gander Airport, Newfoundland, Canada.

You can activate subtitles in English and German by clicking in the lower right. There is also an English version, look for the links in the video.

This presentation is inspired by a fascinating ZDF documentary I saw on Curiosity Stream. Then I discovered the German version on YouTube.

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