01.07.24 "So Will the Year Begin ..."

1 year ago

Welcome 2024. WooHoo!! This is our 1st Sunday Gathering of the new year. ACIM address the new year in several passages. Here is a significant one. "So will the year begin in joy and freedom. There is much to do, and we have been long delayed." (OrEd.Tx.15.112) It gives us the proper energy with which to start the year – joy and freedom. Joy seems natural since we are coming right from the joyful holiday season.

I have occasionally been criticized for being too happy. How can anyone be too happy? It's interpreted as frivolous and not serious enough. Many people believe that a Teacher of God should be serious and always reverential. Well I believe there is nothing more reverential than being truly joyful. ACIM tells us this directly. "Learn to be happy learners." (OrEd.Tx.13.60) Also, "The Holy Spirit needs a happy learner in whom His mission can be happily accomplished." (OrEd.Tx.13.54) There are many others such statements. Consistent happiness could be what signifies us as true ACIM practitioners.

Let us not forget that happiness and healing are directly related. "To heal is to make happy." (OrEd.Tx.5.1) From our new higher plateau, we will get busy and heal – which also means to make happy – and there are many who have been waiting for us to do just that for them. What an exciting and joyful mission Jesus has given us.

We also do it in the energy of freedom. I love freedom and I love to be free in every aspect of my life. I was told last year that I needed to be cautious talking about "freedom," because "freedom" was a controversial topic. Really?!?! Well then bring on the controversy because I will never stop advocating for joy and – freedom. "You have taught freedom, but you have not learned how to be free." (OrEd.Tx.16.22) Okay. Well then this year let us all learn how to be free together. Let’s start at this Sunday Gathering.

26 min.

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