Walther P22 Q - Minuteman Review

1 year ago

The Ambidextral Gunfighter Minuteman Review of the Walther P22Q

Low grip ratio is comfortable, but not optimal to index for point shooting.

Rounds per size and weight are not the equal of modern peers….LCP, P17, or P322

Wobbly rear and plastic sights are inconsistent with Walther quality.

Manual safety and standard pic rail for dry firing with MantisX. I did 320 rounds of dry fire before range testing with 600 rounds of live.

Mag disconnect safety…yuch

Short leverage mag release Paddles are stiff. This is my least favorite paddle mag release and it is still way better than any button.

Plastic take down clip feels breaky and can break a fingernail.

Pokey spring protrudes slightly from hammer

Good single action trigger.

Double action allows for hammer down, round in chamber carry as well as second strike capability.

However, Frequent, but intermittent failures to fire in double action ultimately led me to take advantage of Walther’s generous 30 day money back guarantee. Given size and limited capacity compared to the Ruger LCP II, I’m not willing to go down the “get it running” rabbit hole.

Check out the AmbGun Minuteman Reviews of other 22LR pistols

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