Canadian Police Railroading A Journalist Who's Asking Questions They Don't Like

9 months ago

There's a whole cottage industry on the left of people writing books and articles warning of the impending danger of fascism overtaking America. Accompanying these jeremiads there's often a list of all of the things that, they claim, are guaranteed to accompany the rise of fascism within a state, things like 'rise of a charismatic leader' and 'dissemination of misinformation'... but somehow when these lists are put together the ever present threat posed by goon squads looking to create reasons to arrest people who run afoul of The State in some way is somehow never on the list. Turning to our cousins in the Great White North for a moment we can see this type of goon squad action in all of its loathsome glory taking place during an interaction between Rebel News's David Manzies and an apparent member of the police force sent to 'protect' Canadian Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland.

Rebel News reporter David Menzies (@TheMenzoid) was brutally arrested by police after he tried to ask Chrystia Freeland questions. -- That move the cop did is called a 'Pick' in basketball parlance, and it's a well executed example of the move. You see the officer put himself into the path of Mr. Manzies so that contact will be unavoidable, and as soon as contact has been made the officer immediately shifts his weight so that he's in full contact with the reported before grabbing him and placing him under arrest. It's real dystopian police state stuff going on.

• More at: Twitchy - Canadian Police RAILROADING a Journalist Who's Asking Questions They Don't Like

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