EXPOSED: "LONG COVID" IS A VACCINE INJURY! - Study Proves Deadly Auto-Immune Disorders Caused By Vax

1 year ago

EXPOSED: "LONG COVID" IS A VACCINE INJURY! - Study Proves Deadly Auto-Immune Disorders Caused By Vax
January 8, 2024
World Alternative Media
Josh Sigurdson reports on the continued cultist belief in so-called "Long Covid" which people have been posting about en masse on social media.
A new study has come out proving that indeed, so-called "Long Covid" is actually vaccine caused and it's clear that it's not "covid" at all but simply perpetual sickness due to auto-immune disorders.
The propaganda surrounding "Long Covid" is being hyped more than ever and people are blaming absolutely every illness on it. Certainly it would make sense to look at lifestyle first, but thanks to the brainwashing in 2020, EVERYTHING is considered to be "Covid" now.
Of course Covid19 has never been isolated, it's only been cultured in vero monkey kidney cells and compared to a computer simulation. PCR tests do not test for specific illnesses but instead a category of illnesses and on top of that, PCR tests are being used at 40 cycles or more which if 96% false positive for an already non-existent diagnosis.
The new study by PLoS One calculated "Long Covid" based on a large population of people. Those who are not injected and claim to have "Long Covid" have no way to prove it's "Covid" and are likely suffering from personal health choices and auto-immune disorders from said choices.
In this video, we expose some of the cultists and talk about new studies and the dangerous effect of masks.
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