Xi Jinping's Potential Military Move and Its Implications for Taiwan and the US

9 months ago

01/04/2024 Nicole on Grant Stinchfield Show: According to our sources, Xi Jinping is definitely prepared to launch a military attack against Taiwan. The CCP has been doing the military drills in Xinjiang and Guizhou province quite extensively. Even though Beijing aims to take over Taiwan through "peaceful reunification" means. The CCP has bought up the local politicians in Taiwan, who are viewed as key opinion leaders that can sway votes.
01/04/2024 妮可做客Grant Stinchfield Show: 据我们的消息来源,习近平肯定已做好发动军事攻击的准备。中共已在新疆和贵州省进行了大规模军事演习。尽管中共希望通过“和平统一”的方式接管台湾。中共已收买台湾地方政客,中共认为这些人是可以影响选票的关键意见领袖。

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