►🚨‼️✡️ 🕍 🇮🇱 A Christian man was preaching in Jerusalem....

1 year ago

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►🚨‼️✡️ 🕍 🇮🇱 A Christian man was preaching in Jerusalem....
🔴 demon? it doesn't matter. it is Zionism declaring itself. to their FACE.... and still they donate. stupid goyim.

🔴 For some reason Americans and western people ages 49 to 65 (boomer generation,) have a blind eye for anything Israel does And would gladly sacrifice their children and grandchildren to fight Israel's wars. It's insane to me but that's the truth, something is definitely wrong with the boomers when it comes to this subject they can't understand that these people hate them and see them as animals.

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