When I marry I want to be A virgin

1 year ago

Women are built by God to be more in the emotional realm. the emotional realm is the aspect that allows the children to survive at a young age. When the moms are neurotic about the child's hygiene, their health and their feeding, without that you would die. So, you’d better have a neurotic person on that baby. You have to have it; literally you need to have that, otherwise the child will die. Survival-wise it's very important.
The father has to bring in that psychological order and bring in non-emotionality, “I know you're worried about the child but let's not the worry make us act emotionally, which is going to make us screw this up.” The father has to give that kind of guidance both to the mom and to the children. This is very important and that's why God has put in that order. If you'd flip that order out, there's no more order in the home.

This is a short clip from Sean Moon's message!

Hyung Jin Sean Moon original Sunday Message video here:

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