The lie, lie, lie, then if caught, they cry, cry, cry but they want us to DIE, DIE, DIE.

1 year ago

The CCP and the sellout traitors are frustrated but how do you explain who they are and what they do? I put together this simple video to share my thoughts about what I believe these evil people are thinking at present. LIE, LIE, LIE, if they get caught or partially exposed, the cry, cry, cry but their ultimate goal is for America to DIE, DIE, DIE. For us as Christians, we must continue to pray, work toward EXPOSING them and wait upon the LORD for REAL change, not the kind of destructive change the CCP and their comrade traitors are pushing for. 2 Corinthians 10:4 "for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. " January 8th, 2024 Naples, Florida out for my daily bicycle ride. We at the ME Foundation love to pray and wait upon the LORD for answers.

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