The Outer Realm- Pat O'Connell -BLEEDTHROUGH:A True Story of Aliens, Demons, and Pure Evil in Texas

1 year ago

The Outer Realm welcomes for the first time, special guest, Pat O’Connell.
Date: October 19th, 2023
Seg. 381
Pat O’Connell will be discussing her book : "BLEEDTHROUGH: A True Story of Aliens, Demons, and Pure Evil in Texas"

About the Guest:
Pat O’Connell is a communications consultant for high-tech corporations in fields as varied as nuclear power, aerospace, and antibody library solutions. She is also a researcher, novelist, and nonfiction author with eclectic interests, from science and medicine, to history and psychology, to metaphysics and the paranormal. And she helps individual clients manifest their own book publication dreams. Through it all, she remains an activist for truth and freedom.

About the Book:-
A true story with a twist so shocking you’ll never see it coming. For three years, Texas aircraft repair shop owner, Clay Wheeler, witnessed an array of paranormal phenomena at Sparks County airport that make the events at Utah's Skinwalker Ranch pale by comparison, including UFOs, aliens poltergeists, demonic possession and plan old murder. Now, a team is forming to finish the investigation and find out what, if any, evidence is really buried out there.

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