Article 4573 Video - International Public Notice: What About Germany? By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4573 Video - International Public Notice: What About Germany? - Friday, December 29, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

We knew this question was coming, after so much attention being focused on the British Monarchy shell game and its faux pas and the results to date.

Many people now living don't realize that the British Monarchy has been controlled by Germans since the death of Queen Anne in 1714. Queen Anne the last Stuart Queen, who also figures largely in the Throne of England being vacant and all the fraud that has taken place ever since.

After Anne, the Hanoverian German Kings took over until 1837, and after that, Britain has been ruled by the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha German Kings who changed their name to "Windsor" in 1917 (under George V) in an effort to appear more British.

This would be like me changing my name to MacTavish in an effort to appear more Scottish.

Adopting the name "Windsor" amounts to a disguise or a nom de guerre; it's a deceit to fool the public into thinking that their "English" Kings and Queens are English, much as they have been fooled into thinking that the Throne of England was occupied all this while.

The Windsors are not English. They are all Germans.
When Queen Victoria married Prince Albert it was a merger of Hanoverians and Thuringians -- Germans all.

So both World War I and World War II were wars fought by Germans on both sides. Is it any surprise that the great Chief of General Staff here in America was named Eisenhower?

The whole situation, both times, can be viewed as a German pissing match, into which other innocent people were drawn, hoodwinked, and made to pay the price.

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