Secrets to Extraordinary Health and Longevity - Christine Horner, MD (Jan 2018)

1 year ago

“The Secrets to Extraordinary Health and Longevity” is the subject of the presentation by Christine Horner, MD on January 18, 2018 at the Silicon Valley Health Institute.

Christine Horner, MD is a board certified and nationally recognized
surgeon, author, expert in natural medicine, and a relentless
champion for women's health. She spearheaded legislation in the
1990s that made it mandatory that insurance companies pay for
breast reconstruction following mastectomy. She is the author of
Waking the Warrior Goddess: Dr Christine Horner’s Program to
Protect Against and Fight Breast Cancer, winner of the Independent
Book Publishers Award 2006 for “Best Book in Health, Medicine,
and Nutrition” and the author of the recently released “Radiant Health Ageless Beauty: Dr. Horner’s 30-Day Program to Extraordinary Health and Longevity).

For more information go to

Visit the Silicon Valley Health Institute (aka Smart Life Forum) at

Silicon Valley Health Institute Smart Life Forum Palo Alto

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