Article 4569 Video - An International Appeal for Research Assistance By Anna Von Reitz

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Article 4569 Video - An International Appeal for Research Assistance - Wednesday, December 27, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

My appeal is addressed to the people of England, the Union, and the former Commonwealth, though I am inclined to accept help from any quarter and anyone interested in the topic.

It has come to our weary and heartsore attention that the fabric of traditional government in the western world has been eaten away by commercial interests until we find that "the" President of the United States is not The President of The United States, that both King Charles III and King Charles of Scotland are not acting as Kings, and even the Office of the Pope has been converted, such that there is no obvious ministerial capacity vested in it.

The urgent question needing our attention this morning is -- exactly how long ago did this canker of deceit and commercialism take root in England?

We very much suspect that it began during the later reign of Queen Victoria and the Administration of Benjamin DIsraeli as Prime Minister, which resulted in the so-called "enfranchisement" of the British working class as a means to fund the Territorial Raj in India.

This undisclosed use of the British working people and their small holdings as collateral and their impersonation as things -- franchises of the British Crown Corp -- certainly upended the traditional Social Contract and breached the Public Trust on a vast scale, and all without the British people themselves being aware of it.

The insidious workings of commercial interests are certainly present at that juncture and have been present ever since, but the question arises -- is this the earliest example we have of this misrepresentation and thwarting of the traditional Government and evasion of its Social Contracts?

Or did it actually begin much earlier, with the reparations collected by Queen Anne following The War of the Spanish Succession, which was finally resolved in 1707?

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