Sandman Leaving YouTube After Ten Years? - MGTOW

1 year ago

Red Pill Mentor Tokyo
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mike and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I'm so sorry that YouTube is playing shenanigans with a part of your livelihood with regards to monetizing, demonitizing and remonitizing your channel. As you’d asked your listeners their thoughts I would like to share a few of mine here with you. I’ve actually already given thought to what I will say to you on the 23rd of January 2024 on your ten year anniversary of making content. Perhaps, “Happy 3,653rd upload!” (Ten years plus a couple o’ leap year days plus, of course, the show of that day itself). Your dedication and discipline are beyond commendable. They command well-deserved respect. In reading repeatedly in the comments of your vast archive of videos the sincere and grateful listeners who speak of how and how much you’ve helped them and that you’ve changed and even saved multiple lives . it isn’t hyperbole to state that what you do has kept people alive, has saved their lives. I know you know this too. That’s why I can scarcely believe you would even consider switching to some other quality but innocuous content that doesn’t impact and benefit the ‘manosphere’, i.e., living, breathing men who need it and even need you for some crucial phase in their lives and struggles. That is not the Sandman I’ve come to know, respect, admire and, frankly in my own way, grown to love. And while others may not choose to so articulate it, I know I’m not alone in that. So, I certainly want to encourage you but I also realize you know yourself best and what is right for you and after ten years it might be time for a change for your sake. You’ve done much already. But if your heart is still in it, in the fight against the pernicious gynocentrism of the globalists then so be it. But females are just their useful idiots in destroying any viable - MALE - opposition to their vile intents and Just stoke women’s voracious egos. Shakespeare said it so well: Vanity thy name is woman. Just remember that your work, efforts, sacrifices and sufferings are never for naught as God keeps good books. I hope you will press on. But I also understand if the time has come for another direction. Have a very pleasant evening there, Sandman. I’m sure in anticipation of your seasonal circumstance you’ve well-prepared your space for this annual ordeal. Kindly, Mike." Well Mike thanks for the donation and topic. Yes my space heater and humidifier are running full blast keeping the plaque psoriasis at bay. This year when the weather changed it looks like I'm also getting Psoriatic arthritis. So a new problem to deal with. This year and next year and then no more winters for me. As for making my content the plan three years ago was to make enough money from Bitcoin where I could coast off of it forever while continuing to make content. I went to Budapest in October and it was beautiful and a travel channel which I have started was always what I wanted to replace this content with. I was just as passionate about it but it didn't save lives. But it appears that I've cured my wanderlust building my own lego buildings and I can't enjoy architecture like I did before because I now knit pick the designs when I see them and can't just appreciate them for their own sake. So Sandman content is now way more fulfilling because it allows me to help people but it also helps me stay sane.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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