Mangrove trees of the Florida Everglades, Marsh Trail by bike ride. 1/8/24

1 year ago

On my daily bicycle ride for 6 to 8 miles, I lately have enjoyed making my trek to the "Marsh trail". The maze of mangroves which are actually shrubs, grow in the area water. These "water trees" grow mainly in coastal saline or brackish water. God designed these water shrubs to have special abilities to take in extra oxygen and to remove salt, which allow them to tolerate the salty conditions that would kill most plants. I wanted to so a series of pictures showing the amazing beauty. Genesis 1:11 "Then God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit according to their kind with seed in them”; and it was so."
God's creation has many marvelous, not the least of which can be seen right here in the Naples, Florida area.
1/8/24 Naples, Fl We at the ME Foundation love to explore, learn, and teach others of what God has done, what HE is doing and what He still plans to do for those who trust Him.

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