Who is Wikipedia's block listed 9/11 scientist?

1 year ago

Block listed since 2010.

Author of the book: Where did the towers go?

The ONLY independent forensic investigation of what happened to 7 buildings with a WTC prefix on 9/11 was done by Dr Judy Wood.

She also sued NIST's 23 subcontractors for science fraud due to their flawed studies and reports that made up the 10 000 NIST Report, in 2007.

Yet - the 9/11 "truther" movement NEVER mention her cases against NIST.

NIST used a technique that is not uncommon in science fraud and the technique that they used was basically to define their objectives in such a way as to make sure that they basically did not investigate what happened.

NIST set up its investigation so that the starting point was the moment after the alleged jetliners hit the towers which literally meant that they did not have to confirm that jetliners hit the towers and the fact of the matter is no jetliners did hit those towers. And then they concluded their investigation at the point where or when the towers were about to be destroyed.

Here you have a 10,000-page NIST investigation that investigated everything that happened after the towers suffered damaging explosions and then ended before the towers underwent their final demise.

Their language was “up to the initiation of collapse.” That is science fraud. - lawyer Jerry Leaphart.

As the world slowly stirs to consider what really happened on 911, we need direct unambiguous answers.

Challenge Questions/Controversy between Where Did The Towers Go and the controlled opposition traitors like Gage, Walters, Corbett, Jones, Jones, Fetzer et al. must be embraced and directly answered.

Saying that the truth is important and we need to follow the evidence is like saying water is wet.

Instead, something like the following must be spoken boldly and at every opportunity.

The world needs to recognize that Directed Energy Weapons have been around for decades and were used on 911.

About 3,000 American people were murdered by the perpetrators in order to launch unfounded wars that murdered over 4 million innocent people.

We the American people, via the consent of the governed, are ultimately responsible for the actions of the UNITED STATES/United States/US FedGov.

We the People have to stand up and peacefully, resolutely fix the problem.

The same underlying technology demonstrated on 911 can be used to peacefully power the world with free energy or shatter it to pieces like a 1,000 mile diameter asteroid impact.

The time for conscious, fully informed choice has now come.

Choose you this day who you will serve.

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