everyone sounds fake b/c they are fake

1 year ago

super important to take breaks
totally unmotivated to do standup as of late
as long as i get sumin accomplished
why are you talking w/out confidence in what you're saying
i know i'm right n i'm not afraid of criticism or people not liking me
wtf is on my face
oh by the way this is who i am
the host of the mic will introduce you twice
nobody is gonna look up yer instagram handle
people that get sucked into social media are not interesting
i know i sound like such a cunt right now
the victim mentality is extremely demonic
you can't focus on what chu have when whining about what chu don't
stop whining about your "mental illness"
emotional pain won't kill you, stop being a pussy
i hate netflix w/ a passion
they're gonna keep on sitting in their house n texting the world
hey world, you're not being fair hashtag fuck you
rational rosemary is the best
this album is so funny
gordon gano n black francis sound sooooo similar
a lotta good music came out in the 80s
i need as much amusement as possible
music that's funny vs. musical "comedy"
i hate musical comedy so much
i'm not a very good musician so i have no choice but to keep it fresh

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