“Cruel Logic – The Book” – Brian James Godawa

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“Give me one valid reason why I shouldn't kill you, and I will set you free..”

Most of us, perhaps all of us, develop at least some of our worldview but a sort of intellectual osmosis. It comes from the books, magazines, and news sources we read, television and movies we watch and the peer groups with whom we associate. As we engage with these sources, we rarely consider the virtually unfiltered underlying worldview that is being taken into our mind. There are new offerings from Christian authors conveying defense of the faith in novels that is a natural part of the story without resorting to what might be termed “Jesus smuggling.” “Cruel Logic: The Philosopher Killer” is a Theological Thriller Novel that poses the question, “Could You Defend Your Beliefs if Your Life Depended on it?”

Cruel Logic: The Philosopher Killer - https://www.amazon.com/Cruel-Logic-Brian-James-Godawa/dp/1942858914/

Brian Godawa’s Website: https://godawa.com/

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