Tucker Carlson Bombshell: However Many FBI Assets You Thought Were At J6, It Was Sooo Much Worse

9 months ago

This past weekend, with the second anniversary of January 6, was a hotbed of stupid, emotional, annoying, melodramatic drivel from our pals on the Left. From some nobody former Capitol police officer cosplaying in a pic to whine about justice for the Capitol police to Rep. Steve Cohen posting a picture of himself with a bag covering his head (we can't even make that up), it was a seriously obnoxious weekend. To say the least. We get it, it's an election year and all signs point to Trump being the GOP nominee SO they are seriously laying on the 'OUR DEMOCRACY ALMOST DIED AND OMG IT WAS WORSE THAN 9/11 AND TRUMP WILL DESTROY DEMOCRACY' nonsense but give us a break. Especially when we see this from Tucker Carlson. However many FBI assets you thought were involved with J6 … there were likely so many more. Tucker Carlson @TuckerCarlson: “his the smartest, best informed account of what actually happened on January 6th.” -- Wow.

Mind-blowing. Rep. Clay Higgins says "well over 200" FBI assets were involved in Jan 6 including some dressed as Trump supporters inside the building leading people to key locations in the Capitol. Higgins is a former LEO and veteran--no chance he's making this up. -- Mind-blowing is right. Dressed up as Trump supporters? Bad actors? SAY IT ISN'T SO. We've been told over and over again that Trump supporters are just super dangerous and violent ... or are they white supremacists and evil Christian nationalists? It's easy to lose track when your president spends most of his time hating on a large portion of the country simply because they disagreed with their government. -- Deadliest unarmed insurrection in history 😂 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GDL1pDPWAAANvvL?format=jpg&name=medium

• More at: Twitchy - Tucker Carlson BOMBSHELL: However Many FBI Assets You THOUGHT Were at J6, It Was SOOO Much Worse

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